McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

To order your quality McFarlane parts, or to request further information, do one of the following:

  1. Add items to your cart and purchase online now!
  2. Contact an official McFarlane parts distributor near you.
  3. Call McFarlane Aviation toll-free at 866-920-2741 from 7:30am to 5:30pm Central Time.
  4. Fax your order or request directly to McFarlane Aviation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (785) 594-3922.
  5. E-mail McFarlane directly at
    Note: Please do not send credit card information by e-mail.
  6. Mail your order or request to the address below:

    McFarlane Aviation, Inc.
    ATTN: Sales
    696 East 1700 Road
    Baldwin City, Kansas 66006


With all orders, please include the following:

  1. Customer number if applicable
  2. Daytime phone number
  3. Fax number if available
  4. E-mail address if available
  5. Billing name and address
  6. Shipping name and address
  7. Shipping method (FedEx, UPS, US Postal Service, Ground, 2nd Day Air, Next Day Air, Priority Mail, etc.)
  8. Payment method (Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, COD, Check, etc.)
  9. Proper payment including shipping and handling
  10. Part number(s) to be ordered, McFarlane part number or OEM part number should be sufficient (i.e. Cessna or Piper part number)
  11. Aircraft make, model, and serial number


To request special discount pricing for FBO's, flying clubs, flight schools, etc., go to Request Special Discount Pricing.


For further information please refer to Terms and Conditions of Sale.