McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

The People of McFarlane

 Founder of McFarlane Aviation Products (Right) 
David McFarlane
"The Man Who Started It All"
Chief Executive Officer (Left)
Scott Still
Amy, Angie, Jackie, Marybeth, Cheryl
Human Resources
Kendra, Althea
John, Dan, Don
Back: Kevin, Carrie, Bryan
Front: Becca, Kim, Hannah, Adrienne
David, Mat, Dan, Autstin
Christine, Valerie, Andrew

Machine Shop

Production Assembly and Fabrication
Krista, Steve, Nancy, Kyle, Lindsay, Davey, Kelly 
Cable Fabrication
Dan, Bill, Tyler, Nate, David, JT, Noah

Control Production Technicians
Back: Joe, Kody, Tanner, Mike, Kit
Front: Kylie, Lee, Kristi

Jeff, Angela, Dennis
Back: Jacque, Paul, Autumn, Michelle, Rob
Front: Mackenzie, Scott, Brittany
Sandy, Connie, Donna, Lisa, Katie, Kim, Bree, Sara, Ben
MT-Propeller Specialists
John (Single Engine), Larry (Aerobatic and Turbine)
MT-Propeller Specialists Cont.
Brenda , Paul (Customer Support), Jennifer (Customer Support
Custom Cables and Controls
Kelli and Randy
Back: Tiffany, Eric, Seth
Front: Stacy, Alicia, Leslie

Tech Support
Andy, Russell
Lars Allen   1963-2014
Forever part of our McFarlane Family
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