McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

Product Search Results for "Aviation Products System, Inc."

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Individual Kit Components

Reduce airframe vibration, cowl cracks, and firewall cracks 


  • Unbeatable performance – ideal balance of flexibility and stiffness
  • 30x less friction – eliminating cowl erosion
  • Reduce fatigue and expensive baffle, cowl and firewall repairs
  • Eliminate guess work! Kits include all required baffle seals, soft rivets, and McFarlane P/N 6036-012 retainer strips
  • Cut to fit, saving you time and money
  • Individual baffles available for sale


Bi-Flex™ Technology
Precision laser engraved flex pattern ensures optimum flexibility/stiffness combination for maximum cooling and minimum friction. For more information, please read Customized Flexibility for Optimal Cooling.


Baffle seals created using this product are protected by U.S. Patent No. US 8,070,099 B2. 







Complete Engine Baffles for Cessna, Piper, Beechcraft, Mooney, and Grumman also available. 

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
6036-012 RETAINER STRIP, Baffle Seal
Free Shipping on orders over $500
MC0450302-4 SEAL, Baffle, Vertical $12.36
MC0450303-3 SEAL, Baffle, Vertical $11.97
MC0450502-6 SEAL, Baffle Rear $150.79
MC0450502-12 SEAL, Baffle, Left Cylinder $72.28
MC0450502-13 SEAL, Baffle, Right Cylinder $71.28
MC0450502-28 SEAL, Baffle, Rear Left $39.02
MC0450502-29 SEAL, Baffle, Rear Center Assy $60.94
MC0450502-30 SEAL, Baffle, Rear Right $47.43
MC0452220-5 SEAL, Baffle, Lower Cowl $36.10
MC0455000-6 SEAL, Baffle, Lower Right $14.06
MC0455000-7 SEAL, Baffle, Front Left $69.99
MC0455000-13 SEAL, Baffle, Lower Left $14.06
MC0455001-7 SEAL, Baffle, Left Cylinder $22.77
MC0455001-8 SEAL, Baffle, Right Cylinder $23.50
MC0455001-10 SEAL, Baffle, Front Right $75.00
MC0455018-20 SEAL, Baffle, Heat Muffler $14.48
MC0455018-28 SEAL, Heat Muffler $23.68
MC0455024-5 SEAL, Baffle, Forward Center $38.14
MC0455024-6 SEAL, Baffle, Forward Left $36.54

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