McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

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Advanced Engine Oil Supplement

FAA Accepted! Ultra-high performance Aviation product

The only lubricant product to undergo certification testing in the extremes of aerobatic use!



  • FAA accepted and approved for use in piston engine aircraft oils meeting SAE-1899 standards
  • Provides maximum engine protection with their blend of high-performance additives
  • Prevents rust and corrosion with multi-metal corrosion inhibitors
  • Dramatically reduces the wear of cams, lifters, cylinders, rings, gears and valve guides
  • Prevents varnish and carbon deposits throughout engine with ashless deposit control additives
  • Prevents oil weeping and keep seals supple, flexible and performing like new with seal conditioners
  • Available in pint and gallon

FAA Acceptance letter

CamGuard is a blend of high-performance additives that fortify piston aircraft oils to provide the utmost in engine protection. Because of FAA regulations and costs, even the newest commercial aircraft oil technology is antiquated. Interrelated problems of corrosion, deposits and wear in air-cooled piston aircraft engines have been addressed as the supplement contains powerful multi-metal corrosion inhibitors that prevent rust and corrosion in infrequently used engines.

Infrequent engine us can lead to rust pits forming on cam and lifter surfaces. This pitting can result in catastrophic spalling swear requiring a premature engine overhaul. The Supplement also contains advanced anti-wear additives to dramatically reduce the wear of cams, lifters, cylinders, rings, gears, and valve guides. CamGuard also prevents scuffing wear from "dry starts" by maintaining an active lubricant film on critical parts, even after periods of prolonged activity and utilizes unique ashless deposit control additives that prevent the formation of varnish and carbon deposits throughout the engine. Use in older engines allows component motions to free up sticky rings and valves, increasing compressions and reducing oil consumption. Seal conditioners nullify the effects of heat and time to keep seals supple, flexible, and performing like new. 

Four of the top selling piston aircraft oils were tested for corrosion resistance with and without the addition of CamGuard Aviation. The testing was performed at an independent laboratory utilizing the DIN 50017 humidity cabinet test. The DIN 50017 method demonstrates excellent field correlation, unlike the obsolete ASTM 1748 humidity cabinet test. 
The graph indicates the average number of days until failure, which is defined as the observation of three 1mm spots of rust on the steel test panes. The red bars indicate time to failure for the untreated oils while the blue bars represent the corresponding oils with the addition of 5% CamGuard Aviation. All the oils show a remarkable improvement with the addition of CamGuard Aviation. 
Ultra-High Performance Aviation Product 
The photos above are pistons from two different Lycoming IO-540 aircraft engines. The piston on the left is from an FAA certification engine using CamGuard for 500 hours. The certification test was in an aerobatic aircraft that utilized very high-power settings resulting in extremely high temperatures. The piston on the right was taken from a non-aerobatic aircraft engine that was flown at typical cruise power settings, without CamGuard, for 500 hours. The difference in deposits is striking.  

AeroShell and Phillips engine oil also available. For details go to Engine Oil

Part Number Description Your Price Stock
CAMGUARD AVIATION 16 OZ Advanced Oil Supplement, 16 oz
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500
CAMGUARD AVIATION GAL Advanced Oil Supplement, Gallon
Free Shipping on Orders Over $500

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