McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

FAQ Search Results for "Aviation Products System, Inc."

What does temperature compensated mean?
Is Cowl Saver baffle seal material FAA-PMA approved or have an STC?
How do I replace the shear pin on an NL Starter?
What is causing my fuel pressure to fluctuate?
I frequently need to replace my Dry Air Pump. What could be causing this?
What would cause the drive gear to break on my starter?
How do I know when to replace or service my fuel selector valve?
What is the difference between a pressurized and non-pressurized aircraft magneto?
My Cessna 180/182/185 trim wheel will sometimes rotates out of position in flight, changing my trim setting. How can I fix this?
What else can cause poor steering response besides the steering rods?
What is the shelf life or life span of a battery?
Will my aircraft lithium battery catch fire?
I installed a torque link kit and serviced my shimmy dampener; why do I still have a shimmy problem?
Can I switch from a straight AeroShell mineral oil to a single grade ashless dispersant oil?
How often should I change my oil?
How do I know if my steering rods are working properly?
How do I maintain my fuel and oil drain valves?
Are lithium batteries safe?
How important is preheating my engine?
What can I do to ensure the accuracy and value of an oil analysis?

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  • Reword your search using synonyms, or alternative spellings.
  • If searching for a part number, try searching for just part of the part number. For example, leave off the dash number or the manufacturer's prefix.
  • If you get too many results, try narrowing the search down by putting quotation marks around words or phrases that the results must contain. By default, searches look for results that have any of the words that you search for, but quotation marks indicate required words or phrases. Example: If a search for seat rail returns a bunch of irrelevant results that contain seat but not rail, then search again for seat "rail" to only get results that contain rail. Similarly, you can search for "seat rail" to only get results that contain the exact phrase seat rail.
  • If the description you are searching for may have a hyphen in it, try searching both with the hyphen and replacing the hyphen with a space.
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