McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

Product Search Results for "AERO-Classics "

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AERO-Classics Oil Coolers for Continental Engines
The oil coolers on Continental engines often mount directly to the engine and do not require hoses. There are several types and variations of these oil coolers. Read How to Identify Continental Engine Oil Coolers to help determine which type you need.
AERO-Classics Continental Engine Oil Coolers 


FAA-PMA Approved

  • Direct replacements for most oil coolers
  • Ideal for many certified and experimental aircraft
  • FAA 8130-3 tags included with each oil cooler
  • Catalog eligibility information


Outstanding Performance
In side-by-side comparative performance tests, AERO-Classics 7 and 9 plate oil coolers outclassed competitive models, offering better overall cooling and lower weight.


Highest Quality, Best Value

  • Corrosion protection per MIL-C-5541, Class 1A
  • Pressure tested to 400 psig
  • Optimized internal oil flow design
  • Low cost
  • Two year warranty
  • In-stock for fast delivery
  • Gaskets and washers sold separately


Go to AERO-Classics Engine Mount Oil Cooler FAA-PMA Eligibility for Continental Engines for eligibility information.


Part Number Description Your Price Stock
8000464 OIL COOLER, Rear Mount $1560.45
8000531 OIL COOLER, 11.5"" Non-Congeali $1283.84
8000545 OIL COOLER, 10"" Non-Congealing $1288.45
8000683 OIL COOLER, 12 Bolt Cong $1287.44
8000687 OIL COOLER, 12 Bolt Cong 7th Stud $1287.44
8000925 OIL COOLER, 8 Bolt $1231.85
8000934 OIL COOLER, 8 Bolt $1194.43
8000953 OIL COOLER, Rear Mount $3114.50
8000960 OIL COOLER, Rear Mount $1606.37
8001213 OIL COOLER, Rear Mount $3135.62

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