McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

Piper Carb Heat, Alt Air & Cabin Controls

Longer life and save up to $200


McFarlane is pleased to announce the FAA-PMA approval of our new controls for most single engine Piper aircraft. The new controls include carburetor heat, alternate air, fuel mixture, parking brake, and cabin environment.


  • Special, heavier wire for more fatigue strength and reliability
  • Improved friction mechanism
  • Reduced vibration wear
  • Anti-rotate feature to reduce stress on the inner wire
  • High temperature Teflon lined conduit
  • Realistic price 




The most often replaced controls just got better!

High quality replacement knobs duplicate the original Piper color and shape to maintain the original factory appearance of the instrument panel. To select the correct knob for your aircraft, please see the Eligibility Chart.


For ordering information, go to Piper Carb Heat Controls, Alternate Air Controls or Cabin Environment Controls.


Also see CA70371-002 or U70371-000 for swivel fittings (bug nuts).


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