Only the aerosol is considered HazMat for shipping and is unable to ship by air.
This is not recommended to be used inside light aircraft fuel tanks. This is not an area wehre ACF-50 was designed. It would mix with the fuel and can cause other issues.
Per the manufacturer, no you cannot paint over it.
Yes, it can be used inside the aircraft.
Yes, this is an anti-corrosion material that can be used on aviation as well as automotive applications.
ACF-50 is active, so there will always be a bit of film.
This product works well on chrome and should not cause discoloration. ACF recommends using with a micro-fiber cloth.
According to the manufacturer, if the surface has corrosion then yes, it will visibly remove it. However, if the surface has rust, then no, it will not remove the rust. The customer would have to clean the areas that have rust and then apply ACF-50 to prevent any more rust from appearing.
ACF-50 will not negatively effect bonded structures in any way. It is perfectly safe for "all" composite aircraft structures.
According to manufacturing certs, this product is best used within two years of the date of manufacture.
The compatibility question covers two issues: mixing one grade of AeroShell oil with another; and the effects on the engine of changing from one AeroShell grade to the other. If you typically run on AeroShell multigrade, and you find yourself in a place where only AeroShell single grades are available, you can safely add the AeroShell single grade to your engine. They are completely compatible.
If you run on an AeroShell single grade during the summer, but want to switch over to AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 Multigrade for the winter, you can safely replace the straight weight with the multigrade at your regular drain interval. The idea that you have to stick with the type of oil you started with comes from the days of unusual chemistry when the resulting oils were incompatible.
All approved SAE J-1899 (former MIL-L-22851) and SAE J-1966 (former MIL-L-6082) AeroShell oils are compatible. For example, if you have a high-time engine run on ashless dispersant oils and need to replace a cylinder, you can switch to a mineral oil for 50 hours or so to break in the new cylinder. The only time Shell recommends against switching is in a high-time engine run exclusively on straight mineral oil. Here, a switch to ashless dispersant oil can loosen deposits left behind by the mineral oil.
All AeroShell oils are compatible and can be mixed with each other. Many single grade customers try AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 during the colder part of the year, then convert to using it year round. Others, however, choose to alternate between single grade and multigrade depending on the time of year. Either system works well because AeroShell oils are entirely compatible and can be interchanged as desired.
In addition, if you need to replace a cylinder on a mid-time engine, you can switch from AeroShell Oil W single grade or AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 to a straight AeroShell mineral oil for one or two changes to break in the new cylinder. Then you can switch back to the ashless dispersant oil after the rings are properly seated.
If you have a mid-time engine that has been run exclusively on a straight mineral oil and wish to try an ashless dispersant oil, use caution. The introduction of an ashless dispersant oil into your engine could loosen up some of the carbon deposits. So check your oil screens and filters often to ensure against oil starvation and/or oil screen collapse.
The oils are similar, but there are some differences. The biggest difference is in cold flow characteristics. AeroShell Oil W 100 is up to 10 times thicker at cold temperatures than AeroShell Oil W 15W-50. However, at normal operating temperatures (around 200°F), both oils will have the same thickness or viscosity. Another major difference is that AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 and AeroShell Oil W 100 Plus have an antiwear additive which is not in AeroShell Oil W 100. This additive, along with the semisynthetic base oils, helps reduce friction and improve flow in AeroShell Oil W 15W-50.
These additives improve lubrication and reduce oil consumption past the oil rings. Conversely, the improved flow can increase oil loss through leaks or loose intake valve guides. So your oil consumption may go up or down if you switch from AeroShell Oil W 100 to AeroShell Oil W 15W-50. The improved flow and reduced friction characteristics of AeroShell® Oil W 15W-50 will also help reduce oil temperatures as opposed to using AeroShell Oil W 100.
This is particularly important in engines that run hot, like turbocharged, high performance or aerobatic aircraft engines. Pilots should always remember to monitor oil temps to ensure that they’re not too hot.
In cold weather, you should also make sure that the engine temperature is high enough to boil off the water that naturally accumulates in the crankcase. Temperatures in the 180° to 200°F range are recommended for most applications. Finally, if you have a marginal or slipping starter clutch, the antiwear additive in AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 may cause it to slip more than AeroShell Oil W 100. Understanding these differences can help you select the grade of AeroShell that's right for your plane.
Yes. AeroShell straight mineral oils meet the SAE J-1966 former MIL-L-6082 specification. AeroShell Oil W single grade and antiwear, anticorrosion AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 meet the SAE J-1899 former MIL-L-22851 specification. The AeroShell containers are labelled with both the new SAE specifications and the “former” military specifications.
No. The pilot or mechanic should always review the manual for proper procedures. For example, on most engines an inspection of the oil pan's suction screen is recommended at each oil change. Although one may rarely find anything during a maintenance check, it's not worth taking the risk.
No. The W is just a model designator to differentiate between AeroShell ashless dispersant oils (Oil W) and straight mineral AeroShell oils which have no letter designator.
No. Due to the additive technology in ashless dispersant lubricants like AeroShell W Oils, the flow characteristics of each grade are roughly equivalent to the next higher grade straight mineral oil. For example, AeroShell Oil W 100 will flow at low temperatures about the same as AeroShell 80.
Both Lycoming and Continental recommend oils qualified under the following specifications for use in their engines:
Military and SAE specifications are the same except for some additional packaging requirements for the military. In the future, the military specification may be dropped, although oil containers will still probably refer to the former military specification.
AeroShell® straight mineral oils, AeroShell Oil W single grades and AeroShell Oil W multigrade oils all qualify under their respective specifications. The oil requirements for other aircraft engines such as Pratt & Whitney are less defined. All AeroShell and AeroShell Oil W oils are qualified for use in P&W radial piston engines. The oils for engines no longer in production may be listed by military specification or by product name.
For more information, talk to an overhaul or repair shop that specializes in a particular engine, or call the Shell Technical Information Center at 1-800-231-6950.
The selection of a proper grease is clearly defined. For each grease point on a certified aircraft, the military specification or the qualified product is listed. AeroShell® greases are qualified under the following specifications:
Placing a permanent reference mark at 180°F on the green band of your oil gauge is a good way to get accurate readings. To do this, simply place your sending unit and an accurate, referenced thermometer in a steel container filled with oil, and slowly heat it to 180°F with a hot plate. You may not be able to hold 180°F constant, so first mark your gauge with a pencil as the oil temperature passes 180°F. Then let the oil cool back to 180°F. Repeat the process to ensure accuracy.
And be extra careful with the hot oil. In a naturally aspirated aircraft engine, a cruise oil temperature significantly below 170°-180°F will not ensure that the moisture in the oil is boiled off, especially during short flights. As oil goes through the engine, the highest instantaneous temperature will be about 50°F higher than the oil sump temperature.
So, if you have an oil temperature of only 150°-160°F, the oil will not get above the 212°F necessary to boil off the water that can accumulate from condensation. The result is increased moisture and acid buildup in the crankcase, which will probably lead to rust and corrosion.
Knowing this is especially critical if your aircraft is not flown regularly and sits in a humid climate for weeks at a time. If your oil runs well below the 180°F mark, have your mechanic check your oil cooler system and vernatherm. Also, ask about a winterization kit.
Conversely, the concern with the typical turbocharged piston engine is excessive heat. In many of these engines, instantaneous oil temperature can increase 70°F or more at its hottest point versus sump temperature. These high temperatures can cause deposit buildup and increased wear due to improperly cooled components or low oil viscosity. (All oils, especially single grade oils, thin out as the temperature
Whenever fuel is poured, pumped or moved from one container to another, a static charge is generated. The same principle is in effect when you walk across a carpet in the winter and get a shock from a doorknob. The charge level and the distance that can be jumped or arced depends on several factors—pump rate, temperature, humidity and containers.
Static electricity is the reason why a ground wire is always connected to commercial airliners and transport trucks whenever fuel is being transferred. When you transfer fuel into your car or light aircraft, the hose has a built-in ground wire that acts as an electrical path to dissipate any static charge. As an added precaution, there is usually an excessively rich air/fuel ratio in the fill pipe which will not burn. There are two primary areas where a pilot should exercise caution when transferring fuel.
First is draining an aircraft tank. For example, if you’re draining a wing tank, you should always connect a jumper cable from the plane to the fuel container. This will dissipate the charge and eliminate the chance of a spark jumping from plane to container, causing a fire. Remember, when you’re draining fuel, there can be enough air circulation so that the air/fuel ratio is in the burnable range.
The second area of concern is the filling process. Many FBOs use a ground wire when filling an aircraft. But in some cases, fuel is transferred from a drum or can into an aircraft. Here, a jumper wire is a good safety precaution to ensure that the charge is dissipated. If you use a metal funnel with metal cans, make sure that the can, funnel and plane are always touching during transfer.
With metal containers, the electrical charge is dissipated to the conductive container where it can be discharged by a ground wire or contact. In plastic containers, there is no good electrically-conductive path to dissipate the charge. Although some people put metal strips into the plastic container, I would recommend the use of metal containers with a good jumper wire. It's the safer way to go.
Baffles and seals are critical to keeping an engine cool, yet they’re often overlooked. When you’re flying, air enters the cowling and creates static pressure above the engine. This pressure then forces cool air down through your cylinders and oil cooler to the lower pressure areas below and behind the engine. From there, the air travels out through the flaps or other flaring openings.
What’s important to consider is that there is only a given amount of air coming in through the cowling at any given time. If your baffles are broken or misshaped, the amount of air going past a particular cylinder or area will increase. And if you increase airflow in one area, then airflow past other cylinders and the oil cooler will decrease, leading to higher temperatures in some parts of the engine than others.
Seals can create similar problems. If your seals aren’t in good condition or aren’t properly adjusted, they’ll allow air to bleed out. Which can reduce static pressure and cooling. So what can you do? Whenever you install a new engine, always have the baffles checked. Also, as part of your periodic inspections, check all the seals for fit and condition.
If the seals aren’t soft and pliable, replace them. Do this if your oil or cylinder temperatures seem abnormally high as well. Also check how the seals fit against the cowling. If there are noticeable gaps, adjust the seals to reduce air leakage. Be sure to inspect the holes at the rear of the cowling for excessive leakage. If your cylinder heads still run hot, it may be necessary for you or your mechanic to check the static air pressure above the engine during flight. The spec should be available from your airframe manufacturer.
Preheating your engine makes a world of difference. This procedure heats the oil so it’s thin enough to flow through the engine and properly lubricate all critical wear surfaces. Preheating also heats the metal parts in the engine. That’s important because aluminum crankcases have a higher coefficient of thermal expansion than iron crankshafts.
This means as your engine cools down, the clearance is reduced. And as a result, you may not have sufficient oil film thickness for proper hydrodynamic lubrication at very cold temperatures. In other words, the wear rate is going up.
One final note of caution on heaters: Do not plug in a heater and leave it on for extended periods of time. If you have moisture in your oil, the heater will increase vaporization, which will condense on the cool, nonheated engine parts and increase rusting.
Airplane air/oil separators are also worthy of discussion. Separators are designed to remove the oil from the blow-by gas and return it to the crankcase. This reduces oil consumption and keeps the belly of the airplane clean. Properly installed, separators work well.
However, if the system is installed with parts in a cool area under the engine cowling, it can condense all of the water evaporated from the oil and return it to the crankcase.
If you have a separator, make sure it’s properly installed with the exit tube in a low pressure area which will evacuate the water vapor and not force it back into the crankcase. While preheating and the proper air/oil separator are essential to long engine life, they are no more essential than the oil you use. AeroShell® Oil W 15W-50 offers unsurpassed anticorrosion and antiwear protection for all kinds.
A good rule of thumb for changing piston engine oil is to change it every four months. Of course for every rule, there are at least two exceptions.
Exception #1: If you're able to fly frequently with proper oil temperature, you should adjust the four-month rule accordingly. Change out your oil after 50 hours if you've flown the hours in less than four months. If your engine doesn’t have an oil filter, change it after 25 hours. Always remember: the four-month rule is the most critical.
Exception #2: In recent years, the annual flight hours of many private planes have decreased.
And where there’s an idle plane, there’s rust. When an airplane engine sits too long (especially in humid climates or if there is excess moisture in the oil because the oil temperature is too low), rust will form on many of the parts such as cams, lifters and cylinders. Then, once the plane has been started, the iron oxide will run through the entire engine oil system.
While some of the larger pieces will filter out, many of the smaller pieces will remain in the oil and can act as grit on critical wear surfaces. If you don't plan on flying your aircraft for four months or more, be sure to use a storage or preservative oil to protect your engine.
No. Most of the metallurgy in the valve train of aircraft engines was designed to be operated on leaded fuels. Even 80/87 engines were designed for fuels with 0.5 gram per gallon lead. Experience has shown that the lead level in aviation gasoline is especially critical during break-in. So, if you’re breaking in a new or an overhauled engine, make sure you use a leaded 80/87 or 100/130 low lead aviation gasoline for at least the first 50 hours of operation. Some fuel suppliers sell an unleaded 80/87, so make sure you're getting leaded gasoline for breaking in your engine.
The old adage that one should never change oil types was based on problems with some oils with very “unusual” technology that were in the marketplace over 50 years ago. Present oils are compatible. So many pilots use AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 multigrade in the winter months and then switch to AeroShell Oil W 100 or AeroShell Oil W 100 PLUS single grade in the summer months. You may see small changes in oil temperature or oil consumption with this change, but it will not hurt your engine.
Yes, low oil temperature can lead to excessive rusting and corrosion of critical engine parts. When an aircraft sits on the ramp or in a hangar, the engine heats up during the day and cools again at night. While the engine is cooling, some of the moisture in the air condenses on the engine walls and drops into the oil.
This can form rust on internal engine components. The moisture can also react with by-products of combustion in the oil,forming acids which can lead to corrosion. The best way to remove this water is for the engine to boil it off during flight. Studies have shown that the temperature of your engine oil increases about 50°F as it circulates through the engine.
Therefore, unless the oil temperature reaches 170°F to 180°F during flight, the engine will not boil off the water that has accumulated in the crankcase. The result: rust and corrosion.
Note that an excessively high oil temperature will also cause problems. Here are some tips to help avoid oil temperature problems:
Check your oil temperature gauge for accuracy. It should read about 212°F when the sensor is placed in boiling water.
Monitor the oil temperature during flight. It should be about 180°F even in winter. If it is lower, you may need a winterization kit. Otherwise, check with your mechanic to see what is causing the excessively low oil temperature.
The unique additive feature in anticorrosion/antiwear AeroShell® Oil W 15W-50 can also help control problems caused by rust and corrosion.
Oil analyses can help you discover engine problems before they turn into major failures. But the analysis information gained is only as good as the sampling procedure. Also, a single test is not enough to reveal trends and significant changes and can only tell you if there is already a serious problem like a scuffed piston. Take oil samples properly. For best results, take the sample about midway through the draining of hot oil from your sump.
A sample pulled off at the beginning or end of the oil change may appear dirtier than it really is. Sample the oil the same way every time. An improperly taken sample can lead to some seriously inaccurate conclusions about engine malfunctions. Rely on a series of consistent tests over time. You’re looking for significant changes or trends over time, not absolute values.
People want to label the results of a single test as good or bad, but the system doesn’t usually work that way. Say you’re buying a used aircraft. Don’t rely on just one very good result of just one report – it could have come from a 5- or 10-hour sample. Relatively constant numbers from the last six oil changes are a far better indicator that the engine is in good condition. Your record of regular oil changes and analyses is also helpful when selling an aircraft.
Be consistent. If you change your oil at 50 hours, and then at 25 hours the next time, the first sample may show twice the wear metals. (Expect higher wear metals during break-in or following some maintenance procedures such as a cylinder replacement.) Finally, always remember that oil analysis should be part of a good maintenance programme, not a replacement for one.
First, if you’re “breaking in” your engine on mineral oil during the winter, always take extra precautions to ensure that the engine is properly preheated prior to flight. For example, if your service bulletins recommend preheating the engine whenever the temperature is below 20°F, you may want to increase that to 30-35°F when using straight mineral oil.
Another concern is that mineral oil is more prone to oil cooler plugging at low temperatures. This is especially critical on aircraft used for high altitude flight where temperatures are even lower. If an aircraft is going to be broken in during the winter or at high altitudes, you should consider using a winterization kit. The kit will reduce airflow through the oil cooler and reduce the chance of oil cooler freeze-up. (However, be sure to remove the winterization kit when it’s no longer needed.)
During winter break-in and high altitude flight, pilots should also be especially observant of their oil temperature and pressure. If the oil pressure or oil temperature moves significantly up or down in flight, you may be experiencing oil cooler plugging or bypassing. If this occurs, you should take appropriate action.
Over the years, a number of oils have come and gone. Most new products perform great in one bench test or another, or even in a short-term engine test. But loboratory conditions may not duplicate real world conditions. The best way to judge an oil is to see how it performs in actual service, under real world conditions.
Some of these conditions may include sitting for weeks at a time, starting in less than ideal conditions, and flying on days that your mother would have told you to stay home. Oils with a proven track record, like AeroShell oils, can be counted on to deliver top performance year after year.
This is a question that doesn’t have a definitive answer. Oil can be consumed or lost by three different routes in an engine: the rings, leaks and valve guides. In a good, tight engine, there should be very little oil consumption or loss by the guides and none through the leaks. That leaves the rings as your primary concern. The amount of oil going by the rings will vary depending on cylinder type and break-in process.
Assuming that the cylinders were broken in properly, oil consumption can still vary depending on the type of service and how the aircraft is flown. Even two identical engines (like on a twin), operated the same way, may have different oil consumption rates. So what’s right? Engine manufacturers state that oil consumption of up to a quart an hour is acceptable on some models. (Some manuals for large radials say that anything over six gallons an hour is excessive.)
The best answer is that oil consumption will be at a certain level for each engine. Consumption changes shouldn’t be compared to an absolute level, but rather to the level that your engine sets historically.
Yes. This can be very difficult on some aircraft, but it is recommended. The reason for changing oil when the engine is hot is to avoid the settling of dirt and water in a cold engine. When the engine is fully warmed, then drained, a higher percentage of contaminants are drained away with the old oil. When the engine is drained cold, more of these contaminants remain in the oil in the bottom of the pan, which results in more contaminants mixing with the new oil.
When a straight mineral oil turns dark or black, it usually means that the oil is starting to oxidize and needs to be changed. Because mineral oil doesn’t absorb much of the dirt and sludge in your engine, the oil stays clean and the inside of your engine gets dirty. Ashless dispersant oils, on the other hand, are designed to get dirty so that the engine will stay clean.
Just how quickly the oil turns black depends on a number of factors, including the condition of the engine, the dirt load, the oil temperature, the normal air/fuel mixture, the type of fuel, the time since the last service, and the frequency and duration of your flights. Basically, the important thing to remember is to change your ashless dispersant oil on calendar and engine time, not according to its color. Also, oil analysis can help ensure that the oil is still in good condition even though it may have turned black.
In most cases, the multigrade oil will run cooler. For a hot-running engine, like turbocharged, high performance or aerobatic aircraft engines, this is good, but for a cool-running engine it can be a disadvantage. If the engine runs too cool, it can't boil off excess moisture and unburned fuel, so there can be a tendency to form acid buildup. For cooler-running engines, pilots should use a winterizing kit, or check with their mechanics on how to keep oil temperature up.
Yes. The thickness, or viscosity, of an oil is directly affected by the temperature. Therefore, if an engine's oil temperature is increased, there will be a small, but proportional, drop in the oil pressure as well.
A number of pilots have asked this question. The answer is a definite no. When Shell first started evaluating multigrade aviation piston-engine oils over 25 years ago, testing proved that multigrades formulated only with mineral base oils did not have adequate base oil viscosity (thickness) to properly lubricate all high load points in the engine. Then we tested and flight evaluated a formulation made with all-synthetic base oils.
This formulation had excellent antiwear characteristics in all tests run. However, in the flight evaluations, some engines would reach 600 to 900 hours, then lose oil consumption control and/or compression. When the engines were disassembled, we found that the piston rings were covered with a gray tacky substance that was primarily made up of the lead by-products of combustion (from the use of leaded aviation gasoline).
Although synthetics are excellent lubricants with good high temperature stability and very good low temperature flow characteristics, they are relatively poor solvents.
In an aircraft engine, the lead by-products of combustion must be dissolved by the base oil so they can be carried away from the ring belt area and removed from the engine when the oil is changed. Anticorrosion, antiwear AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 is formulated with 50% synthetic base oils to give it the excellent low temperature flow needed for quick lubrication during cold starting.
The synthetic base oils, along with the unique antiwear additive system, give it antiwear protection unequaled by any other product on the market. In addition, its mineral base oils provide lead absorbency to guard against ring sticking and excessive sludge. The bottom line: The synthetic component of AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 will not harm your engine. Instead, it gives you the best of both oils.
Bent-arm control provides faster response and improved durability. Straight-arm control allows for smoother steering and better control of break into free caster mode.
Yes, the STC paperwork is included in the box.
Per the manufacturer, Plane Power alternators do not include capacitors.
Per the supplier, customer will use their current belt.
Wide deck engines will always have letter at the end of the serial number. Narrow deck engines will not.
The 14-1010 14 volt Plane Power lamp has yellow leads. The Plane Power 14-1011 24 volt lamp has purple leads.
The enable harness for the AL12-EI60 and ER14-50 Plane Power alternators is part number 11-1010.
The brush block/regulator assembly used in the Plane Power C14-50, EX14-50 and AL12-EI60 alternator is part number 11-1043.
The brush block assembly used in the Plane Power AL12 and AL24 series alternators is part number 10-1020.
The brush block assembly used in the Plane Power ALT-FLX, C14-100 or C28-150 alternators is part number 15-5005.
The brush block assembly used in the Plane Power ER14-50 alternator is part number 11-1013.
The brush block/regulator assembly used in the AL12-RI70 Plane Power alternator is part number 99-1042.
The R1224 and the R1224B voltage regulators are the same electrically. The only difference is the size of the base.
The “S” designation indicates a “slim” version of the alternator which basically means there is no factory installed debris shield or cooling tube.
The FS1-14 internal, non-adjustable regulator is set at 13.6+/- .2 volts. This alternator would be used as a back-up to an AL12-EI60 main alternator kit and would come online automatically if system voltage drops below 13.6 volts as in a failure of the main alternator.
The FS1-14B internal, non-adjustable regulator is set at 14.2+/- .2 volts and can be used as a stand-alone alternator system for aircraft wanting the lightest weight and using minimum equipment.
Because both alternators are driven from a slower accessory pad drive, these alternators will not produce output to support load until they reach approximately 2000 engine rpm. Perfect for a back-up system should the main alternator be lost in flight but limited as a stand-alone system as any installed equipment would be running off the battery during taxi and landing configurations.
The enable harness assembly for the Plane Power AL12-EI70/B alternator is part number 99-5097.
The front seal used on most of the gear drive, Permold style alternators is part number XA-1026.
The Plane Power AL12-EI60 series alternator regulator is factory set to 14.2+/- .3 volts.
The Plane Power warning light is a 100 milliamp bulb. If an incorrect bulb is used, the light may not come on or it may "glow in the dark".
The tool kit consists of a zinc-coated coupling spanner wrench and unique coupling gear socket with steel housing and aluminum gear engagement, designed to protect the steel coupling gear from damage during maintenance. Together, these tools allow the coupling to be held in place (mounted on the alternator or free-standing) while the coupling gear slippage is checked with a calibrated 3/8” torque wrench (as specified in the engine maintenance manual).
The coupling provides a shear point, protecting the engine from damage should the alternator fail. However, it is imperative that the coupling be installed properly and inspected every 500 hours or any time that the alternator is removed from the aircraft. This critical component has been the subject of several Service Bulletins (SBs) and Special Airworthiness Information Bulletins (SAIBs) because an out-of-tolerance or improperly installed coupling can lead to catastrophic engine failure. The lack of specialized tools to perform these tasks has made compliance difficult for many shops, increasing the risk that these critical inspections are not being performed in the field. In addition, alternator coupling slippage is a frequent cause of low alternator output. Without the tools to properly inspect the coupling, these failures are often misdiagnosed as a failure of the alternator, resulting in wasted time and money for both shops and owners.
They are sold in pairs and are one position per price.
No, they will only include the bushing. All mounting hardware will need to be purchased seperately.
Yes, the hole for the grouding strap is drilled and tapped, ready for strap installation as necessary.
Typically, you will feel unusual vibrations when you start your aircraft's engine, accompanied by loud clanking and banging from the engine bay.
The fittings are covered with a special cadmium plating with a phosphate coating. The coating provides the best possible corrosion protection for use with magnesium brake castings in a wet environment. The white deposits are phosphate crystals that form from a phosphate sealing process which helps prevent corrosion when installed in magnesium alloy. The white deposits are not corrosion and will not harm the installation. If needed to reduce tightness during installation, the crystals can be softened using plain hot water and a tooth brush. Use the required thread sealants as specified by the appropriate aircraft service manuals.
Yes, the TSO ensures a quality and repeatable fuel level output under all aircraft conditions and STC demonstrates that these senders are suitable for use in specific type certificated aircraft. This is the only TSO'd fuel sender available for retrofit in GA aircraft. TSO approval ensures that the product manufacturing has been accomplished in FAA approved quality system, as such, TSO products do not require PMA.
Original resistive aircraft fuel senders were designed to measure approx. 20 gallons and provide a resolution of 0.3 of a gallon between readings. These resistive senders were intended for automotive and farm machinery applications and are typically made of steel. The aircraft application places additional stresses on these commercial products, from moisture born corrosion to large movements in fuel in and out of plane of the sender. CiES designed an aviation-grade fuel sender from the outset. We addressed the moisture borne corrosion issues and also addressed fuel motion in all axis and we designed a system to give excellent resolution. Our resolution capability is less than (1/10 of a gallon) for fuel tanks that can hold hundreds of gallons of fuel.
The system is easy to understand. We place an aligned magnetic field on the pivot so that this field can be measured by an electronic compass which now points to the float. We place this highly accurate compass inside an aluminum housing and outside the fuel tank measuring the direction of the magnetic field through the aluminum. This solid-state compass electronically points to the float in the same manner that a cell phone compass points to north. It is astoundingly accurate and fuel motion has no impact on operation.
CiES fuel senders have amassed over 800,000 hrs of operation on Cirrus Aircraft with only thirteen removals out of 23,000 senders for cause. This represents a Mean Time to Failure of over 60,000 hrs. This reliability exceeds every other system on the Cirrus aircraft. Cirrus is so impressed that they specified CiES technology on the Cirrus Jet. To back that amazing reliability, we warranty the senders for non-transferable life.
A functional fuel gauge is required by regulation and is supposed to work as the manufacturer intended. While some people in aviation cast a broad net on what working means, according to the FAA, it means the ability to accurately show usable fuel in each tank. Gauges that waver or show merely a trend in operation are not functional. Fuel gauges are required, as it takes the fundamental issue of pilot first impression of starting fuel level out of the equation as well as any other fuel anomalies that could happen in flight.
While even some in the FAA Flight Standards Offices quote this as verbatim truth, it is absolutely not true. CiES works with all of the FAA ACO offices and the FAA Small Aircraft directorate. Usable fuel is an accurate value for every certificated aircraft flying. So yes, zero usable fuel is an accurate number, but so is full usable fuel (that value is on the fuel filler placard and in your POH). Using simple math 1/2 usable fuel is also an accurate number. The zero-fuel accurate myth is just that, a myth.
We can output a DIGITAL SIGNAL to:
While there are a lot of theories of why pilots run out of fuel, much of what is commonly reported does not have actual research to support the statements. What we know, is that due to our involvement in this business and having Cirrus outfitting the system on new SR20 and SR22 aircraft since 2012 we now have a growing number of aircraft where fuel indication is proven to be reliable and accurate. The rate of fuel accidents or incidents primarily attributed to starving the engine of fuel is zero.* While older Cirrus aircraft, all of which have totalizers, suffer and continue to suffer fuel accidents, this fleet of new aircraft has not suffered a single fuel incident.*
* We have one incident where a severe heroin addiction was implicated, and an accident where the ferry tank fuel valve failed.
CiES used Cirrus Aircraft, CiES launch partner, to successfully demonstrate that CiES aviation-proven manufacturing and development process yielded a superior product that is suitable for use in all type certificated aircraft. CiES is qualified to RTCA DO-254 and the digital fuel senders exposed to the aircraft environmental conditions for wing mounting by RTCA DO-160.
While CiES designed the sender to be able to output to a resistance input analog fuel gauge, there are several issues that make this interface less than ideal. First - an analog gauge has its own characteristic and that has to be matched to the tank characteristic. This would be, at present, a remove, reprogram and replace proposition until the gauge and tank content correlate. Second - Analog gauging for fuel applied to aircraft utilized gauge interfaces that were not designed to be accurate. We see gauge hysteresis and variations that make accurate fuel reporting nearly impossible. CiES is committed to accurate fuel gauging in aircraft, and these interfaces do not allow that to easily occur. Note: if the original aircraft gauge is the only interface that will work for your aircraft, CiES is working on two potential solutions. One will require rebuilt or qualified aircraft gauging, the other replaces the existing pointer driver with a stepper motor.
There are several ways of repairing worn cowl surfaces. Epoxy fill is sometimes used for minor wear, or flush or double flush riveted aluminum doubler plates can be formed and installed over the damage. McFarlane has a high temperature (400deg F) sandable two part epoxy with an aluminum filler that works well for filling minor cowl skin defects; please see P/N 20 GLUE KIT. Consult with your A&P mechanic for the best repair solution for your aircraft.
There is not a concrete answer that will work for every customer; it really depends on each individual installation. As a general rule, as long as you do not put the rivets at the very edge of the material it will not rip out. If you use McFarlane’s retainer strips, they can line up the edge of the material with the bottom of the retainer strip and then put the rivets in the middle of the strip.
Bi-Flex Cowl Saver can be adjusted for maximum stiffness across the gap between the engine baffling and the cowl. If you have a large gap, you will want to extend the un-scored portion out closer to the cowl so that the stiff un-scored part of the Bi-Flex Cowl Saver is bridging the gap. The stiff un-scored material will prevent air pressure from blowing the Cowl Saver out of position. If the gap is small between the engine baffling and the cowl surface, reduce the amount of un-scored Bi-Flex Cowl Saver extended across the gap. This will give you maximum flexibility for the best possible seal. After adjusting the Bi-Flex Cowl Saver position for the right amount of un-scored material in the gap, trim away any material extending more than 1/8 inch from under the retainer strips.
As long as the non-friction side is mounted towards the surface that the cowl moves against, it should be fine. However, refer to the question regarding FAA-PMA approval.
The Cowl Saver material drastically reduces the engine vibration that is transferred from the engine to the cowl and airframe. This is especially noticeable on the Cessna 185 aircraft with the large IO-520 engines. However, refer to the question regarding FAA-PMA approval.
It is certified to meet AMS3320G, which is the same industry standard specification to which other fiberglass reinforced silicone baffle seal material is certified, however it is not an STC or FAA-PMA product. It is ultimately the installing mechanics responsibility to determine whether the material is appropriate to repair the baffle seals on a specific aircraft.
McFarlane does have FAA approved die cut baffle seal kits for the re-start Cessna 172 aircraft; please see P/N BSC-KT-1. We developed this first because our patented material solves the firewall crack and other baffle seal related problems on these airplanes. McFarlane will develop more FAA approved baffle seal kits as engineering time permits.
Yes. Just ensure that the low friction side is in contact with the engine baffles.
Yes. Cowl Saver is stiffer than most cowl seal material in the un-scored condition. Bi-Flex Cowl Saver can be adjusted to better bridge the gap between the engine baffling and cowl surface. See the question “How much Cowl Saver material goes above and below the rivets?” for more details.
McFarlane recommends the Bi-Flex laser scored Cowl Saver baffle seal material for aircraft that have fairly straight baffling and cowl lines. There is no strip baffling material that works well for sealing a curved cowling. You can cut wedges out in the strip and stretch the outer edges or overlap it, but the best fit for a curved baffling is to cut a curved piece out of a flat sheet. Many customers order both the Bi-Flex roll and a flat sheet to give the best and easiest installation possible. You will then have enough material to do several airplanes.
Please also read Customized Flexibility for Optimal Cooling.
Use of a deep throated hand squeezer will make installation using one hand easier. Always adjust the rivet squeezer for the right rivet height when the squeezer is closed all the way. This gives you maximum squeezer leverage and ease of use.
McFarlane manufactures a patented, Teflon-bonded, reinforced silicone rubber baffle seal material that gives you 30 times less friction on one side. Bi-Flex is our trade name for the laser scoring of this material to give maximum flexibility only where it is needed. For more information, please read Customized Flexibility for Optimal Cooling.
Yes, Bi-Flex costs 25% to 50% more for the extra processing and it will take a little longer to install, but this cost is small compared to the cost of cowling repairs and other damage from the engine movement that is transferred into the cowling and airframe. You will see a drastic reduction in cowling wear, cracks, and fastener fretting. You will also see a lot less cracking and damage to the metal engine baffles.
The slick side. Rub against a metal or glass surface to tell the difference. For Cowl Saver that is black on one side and grey on the other, the black side goes against the cowl.
Following guidelines from a previous Service Bulletin by Cessna, McFarlane chose to use soft rivets. The use of pop rivets might be considered a minor alteration by some mechanics.
McFarlane uses a laser to score the Bi-Flex Cowl Saver material to approximately 40% of the strip width. This works well for assuring a great air seal when you have straight or minor cowl shape changes. However, where you have a curved baffle and cowl, you will get a better fit by cutting out curved pieces of Cowl Saver from a flat sheet and then custom scoring the Teflon on the outer edges for the flexibility you need. You can score Cowl Saver with a sharp razor blade or knife. The TOOL120 scoring tool makes several scores at once and is designed to prevent cutting too deep and damaging the fiberglass reinforcing in the center of the material. The job will go much faster with use of the tool. Even with the pre-scored Bi-Flex, you may find situations where some additional flexibility by custom scoring is helpful for the best possible fit. For more information, please read Customized Flexibility for Optimal Cooling.
Yes, Cowl Saver reduces the need for repairs by reducing friction on the cowling that you would typically have with silicone rubber baffles. This eliminates cowl erosion, extends baffle seal life, and reudces expensive cowl and cowl fastener repairs.
The teflon coating on the cowl side slides along cowling with ease. Regular silicone is rough on the cowling and does not slide easily. This friction transfers engine vibration into your cowl and firewall causing fastener fretting, fatigue, cracking, chaffing and airframe vibration.
Yes, we offer pre-scored rolls for max flexability where the seals touch the cowling- this also helps with making it "pre-shapped" to want to lay the correction direction from the start. Scoring allows for the teflon material to be slightly stiffer than regular silicone, so it helps to maintain its shape over extended periods of time. For silicone baffles, you may have to take a heat gun (or something similar) to help with the pre-shape of the silicone to ned inward. McFarlane offers pre-scored rolls of cowl saver as well as unscored sheets that you can score yourself, using TOOL120.
Teflon tap can be used to line your seals which help prevent rubbing, however, when the tape quits sticking and it balls up, it could cause damage to the engine. The Teflon side of cowl saver is adhered to the baffle material to ensure it does not rub off due to engine vibration.
To learn how to measure controls for custom manufacture see;
How to Measure Your Engine Control (Quadrant)
How to Measure Your Vernier Engine Control (Knob)
The D A M high temperature anti-seize formula is based on inert high temperature dry lubricants suspended in a naptha carrier with a few other low viscosity additives. The thick grease base in other anti-seize products on the market burn and char at exhaust temperatures leaving sticky hard deposits that actually contribute to the lock-up of exhaust joints. The D A M product carrier evaporates leaving only a film of dry lubricants in the joints that penetrates the pores of the stainless steel.
D A M’s light petroleum carrier uses capillary action to penetrate the joint and carry the small particles of dry lubricant into the joint. By mixing D A M and other solvents such as acetone, MEK or other solvents the viscosity is lowered more yet and the mixture will penetrate small spaces more effectively to loosen corrosion and combustion by products while lubricating the joint.
D A M anti-seize works on the principle of very small particles of inert dry lubricants imbedding themselves into the open pores of the stainless steel. The dry lubricants lowers friction and prevent corrosive adhesion of the two stainless steel surfaces. The dry lubricants prevent combustion by products from actually gripping the stainless steel. Other products rely on powdered metal such as copper or nickel in a mix of greases and graphite. The powdered metals themselves are often corrosive to the stainless steel at high temperatures and actually create adhesion by microscopic corrosive residue. The old failed theory is that the metal powder flakes will separate from each other and allow disassembly. This does not work at high temperatures and with stainless steel. Any graphite in the compound (graphite is required for MIL SPEC anti-seize compounds) sets up a severe galvanic corrosion action with the stainless steel and the powdered metals that produces corrosive by products that swell and lock the joint while attacking the grain structure of the stainless steel. This corrosive action is accelerated at high temperatures and contact with combustion by products.
Since D A M is a mixture of heavy dry lubricants and light petroleum distillates, it will separate quickly. Shaking the can often during use keeps the lubricants in suspension. D A M works best when it is rubbed into the stainless steel. Rotation joints back and forth before final assembly will help imbed the dry lubricant particles into the stainless steel surface. Then disassemble and recoat the joint.
Only a thin film is required to be on the surface of both parts of the exhaust joint so the small can will service many more exhaust joints compared to a big can of pasty grease.
The high temperature inert dry lubricants are expensive to produce and refine. Since it only takes a thin film to be effective it is more economical than other anti-seize compounds. A can goes much further.
No, D A M does not have any ammonia or other strong chemicals that could attack or shorten the life of any plastic. D A M has a very small amount of alcohol (less than .3%) in a water based solution. The quantity is so small that it has no effect on plastic or other surfaces. D A M is safe on all surfaces.
The polymers and carnauba wax in D A M window cleaner lubricate and encapsulate the abrasive dust and dirt particles so they slide on the plastic surface until they are absorbed deep into the wipe-off towel. The dust and dirt particles are still there, but they cannot get a damaging grip on the plastic surface. After the D A M cleaner is polished off it leaves a protective film that also helps prevent abrasion penetration of dust and dirt particles.
Never wipe a plastic surface when it is dry (or extensively while wet with just water) as some of the abrasive particles will be gouged into the surface, causing scratches.
D A M window cleaner is a mixture of non-toxic wax, polymers, and a mild detergent with the slightest trace of alcohol. It is an irritant to the eyes if it has direct contact.
There are two types of cloth that work well to prevent scratching on plastics.
The first is the synthetic micro fiber cloth. This soft supple fine matrix cloth will do an excellent job of protecting the acrylic surfaces. The down side of this cloth is that it is expensive and the wax and polymers used in plastic cleaners do not wash out well. The microfiber cloth will have to be thrown away when the wax and dirt buildup prevents a streak free surface.
The other cloth that works well is soft cotton cloth, with the best construction being T-shirt material. The fluffed soft cotton fibers have layers that isolate dust and dirt well from the cloth surface and they can be used many times. The cost is low enough that you can just throw them away when they get contaminated.
Scrubbing the window with your hand is most effective as the cleaner is not being absorbed by a rag. This process gives the cleaner time to soak into the bugs and dirt while distributing the cleaner evenly. A very small rag wet with the cleaner or a VERY SOFT bristle brush also works well. Wash your hands after you are done.
Aircraft windshields and windows are made from a hard durable MIL standard acrylic plastic that has a long service life. However, they are still plastic and can be damaged if not cleaned properly. Aircraft windshields and windows are not only expensive, but changing them takes a lot of expensive labor. Paper towels are made from a matrix of processed wood fibers that can be hard enough to scratch plastic. Paper towels will not damage the acrylic every time they are used, but consistently using them will eventually give you little fine scratch defects that refract light differently than an adjacent smooth surface. The small differences in light refraction will obstruct and distort your view.
Dust is made up of many little abrasive particles so it is important to isolate the dust particles from the windshield as you wipe. The softer and more expanded the cloth material is, the greater the tendency for the cloth to absorb the dust particles isolating them from the cloth surface. In other words, the dust particles can go deeper into a soft fiber matrix as compared to a harsh hard fiber matrix of paper towels. Dust and dirt particles tend to collect on the hard paper towel surface giving it a sandpaper effect. Gently feel a paper towel surface. Gently feel a T-shirt or micro fiber cloth. The surface hardness is very noticeable.
In summary, there are really two differences in a paper towel and a soft fiber cloth. One difference is the hardness of the actual fiber and the second is the ability of the fiber matrix to absorb dust particles away from the fiber surface.
The small holes are normal as they are part of the manufacturing process.
Since inception in 2009, EarthX has designed their lithium batteries with a micro-processor-controlled battery management system (BMS) to provide safety and performance features for your battery. EarthX is not new to providing lithium iron phosphate batteries. Over the past 13 years, has become the most trusted and used lithium battery in the experimental aircraft market and by working closely with OEM’s and engine manufacturers a like, this BMS has been developed to be one of the most reliable in the industry. EarthX is not only the exclusive provider for the Indy Race Cars, but EarthX is also the first company in the world and in history to have an FAA TSO certified aircraft battery as a testament to the safety and quality of the batteries.
Features of the BMS protection:
Battery design safety features:
Performance design features:
No, the voltages are not the same and you will over charge the lead acid battery and drain the lithium.
Yes, lithium battery can be installed in any position for they are a dry cell technology.
The new fully automatic chargers on the market today need to be hooked up to a battery before they will output any voltage. This is primarily a safety feature that prevents spark when hooked up, and protects the charger against reverse polarity hookup. Some chargers need to see as much as 9V volts before they recognize that they are attached to a battery. Once the charger is hooked up, it should output 13.9-14.6 volts. If your charger does not do this, you may want to contact the manufacturer for further troubleshooting tips.
All battery types lose power and capacity as they age. The rate of when this happens depends on the maintenance of the battery and how it has been used (or abused).
Cranking should be limited to 10 seconds within any 1 minute period. Most starter manufacturers also recommended less than 10 seconds of cranking in any 1 minute period.
4-6 years is the average lifespan, however they can last longer depending on how they have been maintained, the quality of the charging system and the enviroment used in.
Tighten the screws to 35 in-lbs. If you don't have a torque wrench then use a screwdriver to tighten firmly (one handed). If you over torque the screws, you will damage the BMS board or loosen the nut.
Only when needed which is when the voltage reads below 13.28V. It depends on the battery model (the larger amp hour batteries will need less topping off than say the scooter battery) but if not in use or left in a vehicle, make sure you check the voltage and charge at least once a year. Due to lithium batteries extremely low self-discharge rate, less than 50% of its charge is lost over a 6 month period, so you may not have to charge your battery before the season starts! If the battery is 13.28V or higher, then all is good. If it is less than this, you need to charge it before engine start to ensure a long battery life.
Yes, this is normal. A lithium battery can and will accept a much higher charging current than an equal size lead acid battery. If your battery is not fully charged, your alternator can potentially output a current equal to or slightly above the alternator’s rating for a few minutes to top the battery off. Your fuse, breaker, or current limiting device should be sized approximately 20% above the alternator rating. Example, if you have a 40 amp alternator, use a fuse, breaker, current limiter set to 48 amps (or 50 amps).
No. As with any battery being charged it is best not to do this in the event of a faulty charger. Follow these safety tip for charging ANY type of battery.
The ETX-Series of batteries have over discharge protection and is designed to prevent a continuous active drain on the battery to the point of damaging the battery, such as leaving your key in the on position, master switch on your aircraft, or parasitic draw as examples. If your battery is reading 0V, or near 0V, then this protection might be activated.
To determine the actual voltage of the battery, remove the negative battery cable and measure the voltage at the terminals with a voltmeter. If less than 8V, it will not accept a charge. Once a lithium battery is approximately 8V, it can be permanently damaged and the EarthX BMS is designed to not allow the recharging of the battery as this is no longer safe to do and can be dangerous and cause cell rupture. Never force a charge into the battery. This is not a battery defect, nor a failed battery, but instead the protection working as it is designed.
The rate of discharge depends on how many amp hours the battery has (less Ah = faster discharge) and the ambient temperature (warmer = faster discharge). When the EarthX battery is about 95% drained, the BMS over discharge protection will disconnect the battery from the active drain so that you do not continue to discharge the battery to the point of damaging it. You know this has happened when you put a voltmeter on the battery installed in the vehicle and it reads close to 0V. We allow this much discharge of the battery to provide you the most energy possible if the drain is intentional, ie: your alternator fails in flight, and you are powering your electronics with the battery. The battery will continue to drain, at a much slower rate, with time as this is impossible to stop batteries from self-discharging. Even “brand new” batteries left in a box will drain and if not recharged and maintained, will be permanently damaged.
It is very important to recharge the battery immediately if it has been drained. The longer the battery remains discharged will shorten the overall life span and increases the chance of permanent damage.
Depending on the amp hour of the battery and the environmental temperature will dictate how much time can pass before it is permanently damaged. Example, the ETX12A is a 4Ah battery and should be recharged within a week whereas the ETX900 is a 15.6Ah battery and should be recharged within a month of finding it in this state.
Most of the time, it means you need to charge the battery as it is at a low charge level but it could mean several things. First thing you need to do it put a voltmeter on the battery, if the voltage is less than 13.28V, the LED light will flash to let you know to charge the battery. If the voltage is above 13.28V and flashing, then you could have a weak cell /a cell out of balance/or defective cell and you need to contact EarthX for a warranty coverage if it is less than 2 years old. The LED will also flash if the voltage is too high, above 14.6V. If the light is solid and remains on for more than 10 minutes, then it is an indication of a BMS electronics problem and contact EarthX.
LED Light | Voltage | Possible Cause | Recommended Action |
Slow Flashing (5s on/5s off) | Less than 12.8V | Battery over-discharged (due to faulty charging system) |
Charge battery. Once charged, the light will stop flashing. |
Slow Flashing (5s on/5s off) | Less than 13.2V | Weak or failing cell | Charge battery. If voltage drops below 13.2V within a few days, discontinue use. |
Slow Flashing (5s on/5s off) (> 1 hour time period) | 13.2V-14.6V | Weak or failing cell | Discontinue use. If in flight, this is not an immediate issue unless it is in conjunction with a charging system failure. |
Slow Flashing (5s on/5s off) | Greater than 15.2V | Over-charging (due to faulty charging system) |
If in flight, shutoff charging system immediately. Aircraft over-voltage protection is required if alternator charging system is greater than 20 amps (i.e. over voltage crowbar circuit) |
Slow Flashing (5s on/5s off) (< 30 min. time period) | 13.2V – 14.6V | Cell to cell charge levels are not balanced | May come on briefly during periods of high current charging until the cells are automatically balanced. Try charging with a plugin charger, like an Optimate Lithium charger. |
Solid Light | Any voltage | BMS electronic issue | Discontinue use. If in flight, this is not an immediate issue unless it is in conjunction with a charging system failure. |
Solid Light that turns off after 3 minutes | Any voltage | Short Circuit protection was activated | Nothing needs to be done. |
Short Flashing (2s on/2s off) | Any voltage | High battery temperature (> 65°C / 150°F) |
Let battery cool down prior to cranking or charging. |
If a battery does not seem to charge or perform as well as it once did, it may be for one or more of the following issues:
Unlike Cold Cranking Ampere (CCA), the Pulse Cranking Ampere (PCA) rating does not have an “official” definition by the automotive industry. CCA tests are done at 0 deg F with a 30 second discharge time which is unrealistic for most motorsport vehicles. PCA is a measure of battery discharge amps for <10 seconds at 77 deg F (25 deg C). Our manual shows the CCA and PCA rating of each battery. The CCA rating is most important for snowmobiles due to the colder temperatures.
All batteries have a life span, even if left in the box and never used. Time is a factor even if properly cared for, eventually, all batteries die. An EarthX battery is rated for up to 6 years if properly maintained, which means it is not left in a discharged state (below 13.28V); used in a properly functioning charging system; used with a proper charger; not shorted; and proper temperature ratings have been followed. All batteries will self discharge and depending on the amp hour of the battery, and its temperature it is stored in, the level of discharge and amount of time are variable. Always keep your lithium battery above 13.28V for longest life.
Lithium batteries require no maintenance such as adding liquid, worrying about freezing in subzero temperature, or the heat of summer damaging them. Just be sure the terminal connections are tight and free of corrosion. If you have a vehicle that has a drain even if the key is off, (Harley’s definitely do) then you will need to charge them every 1-2 months of inactivity (depending on how much of a draw there is determines the length of time it can sit) by putting a charger until it shows fully charged. If at any point your battery is less than 13.28V, it is in a discharged state and needs to be charged. Any battery left in a discharged state can and will be damaged or life shortened.
Many things can cause a puffy or swollen looking battery, which is caused by the buildup of gases inside the battery. This can be from age as gas will build up over time; being exposed to extreme temperatures; deeply discharging or overcharging of the battery. This is a good indicator that it is time for a new battery.
We understand the fear of a fire in an aircraft is real and justified. We also understand people fear that a lithium battery will spontaneously self-combust with no warning and reason and catch everything near it on fire too. We want to address this fear. The EarthX batteries are LFP chemistry, or lithium iron phosphate, the most abuse tolerant and requires a lot of energy to force them into thermal runaway. The term thermal runaway can mean different things and for a LFP battery, it does not mean a 3-foot-tall explosion of flames, it means it will produce a lot of smoke for about 10 minutes. (It should be noted the type of chemistry that does cause a large fire ball is the most used cell in the world, a Lithium Cobalt cell. This is found in your cell phone, your tablet, your laptop, etc. On a commercial flight, if you are traveling on a 737 with 204 person capacity, it would be typical to have around 300 of these batteries in the cabin with you as a reference point).
To cause a thermal runaway with the EarthX battery, many things in your aircraft, and you as a pilot, would have failed. First, your regulator would have to fail. Then your over voltage protection on your aircraft would have to fail. Then you as a pilot would have to fail and not turn your charging system off (alternator off) as you see the voltage and amps climb, destroying all your electronics on your panel and popping fuses everywhere in the process. If you did nothing but continued to fly, and if the batteries protection failed too or you exceeded the protection limits (over 100V), it takes about 7 minutes of this type of runaway energy to cause a thermal runaway with the battery. The FAA TSO certified approved battery, the ETX900-TSO,and the ETX900-VNT, are in a fireproof containment system (internally) and is a sealed battery that is vented overboard, so even in this catastrophic state, the smoke is pushed overboard and it is not a battery safety issue and it does not cause anything near it to heat or catch on fire either.
As far as the fear of spontaneous self-combustion, the battery must be part of a catalyst situation for it to go into thermal runaway. It will not simply “combust” with no reactor. The batteries have short circuit protection and a battery management system to prevent the use of the battery if it detects a fault. The Hundred series for aircraft also has a fault monitoring that would alert you if something was outside of normal with an LED light that will illuminate.
Check the "Detail" tab of the Slick Magneto that you are interested in buying and the Slick Magneto listed with a "Type: Impulsed" will come up with an impulse coupling.
According to the Slick Magneto by Champion Overhaul Manual L-1363F, the magneto should be overhauled at TBO, lighting strike, prop strike, sudden stoppage of the engine and immersion of the aircraft.
There are no bill backs on a core return that is a current series 4300 or 6300 Slick Magneto.
A good core retunr for a factory overhauled Slick Magneto is going to be a current series 4300 or 6300 Slick Magneto. If a new Slick Magneto is purchased, then older series Slick Magnetos can be considered for credit on a case by case basis.
To lubricate use a lightweight oil. Lubriplate or motor oil works well. Lubriplate is a light weight, patroleum base, very oily grease.
There are many different installations that were used for the different Cessna models. Please consult your applicable Service/Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Catalog for the proper location for your specific aircraft.
We sell tool P/N 970 to facilitate the installation of the aft rollers and make the installation easier and simplified for this hard to reach location.
The handle of the tool makes access to the bolt hole in the small inspection opening easy. The pointed tool allows you to align the parts and easily insert the tool in the bolt hole. The next step is to push the tool back out of the hole with the bolt.
The Cessna Service Bulletin SEB95-3 describes damage to the flap support arms from the edges of the rollers cutting into them as the flap rollers rotate. Cessna fixed the roller end wear problem on the forward roller locations by installing a thin stainless steel wear washer between the roller and the flexible flap arms.
The aft roller location is more difficult as it is up in the flap structure and is rigid. The flap support arms will not flex open for the addition of wear washers like the forward roller location. The aft long roller position has the same wear problem as the forward roller locations. Since there is not room to install a wear washer with the existing roller, McFarlane designed a roller slightly shorter in length that allows room for wear washers on each end of the roller. The wear washers are designed with a step in them to make them an assembly that is easier to install.
Note that the upgrades do not change the aft narrow roller and shims/spacers that control the flap lateral end play. P/N MCSK100 only replaces the unprotected long aft roller(s) on each flap. Replacing the flap arms that have excessive wear is very expensive and time consuming. MCSK100 stops any further flap support arm wear.
Flap Roller Kits contain all of the rollers needed to complete one aircraft. Flap Roller Upgrade Kits include all of the components, forward wear washers (P/N MCS1450-3S10-032), aft service kit (P/N MCSK100), and hardware needed to replace the flap rollers and hardware associated with the rollers, along with Cessna SEB95-3 Rev. 1 for instructions to inspect flap support arms for wear.
P/N MCSK100 Flap Roller Service Kit replaces the aft wide roller assembly, and only the aft wide roller. Please consult your applicable Service/Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Catalog for the proper location for your specific aircraft, and the STC SA01074WI.
A universal joint attaches to each control yoke shaft behind the instrument panel. Universal joints are very precision. Replacement of the universal joint is required if any free motion or rust around the joint pivots is detected or if the joint fails inspection required by the Piper AD 2010-15-10.
Clean the barrel and screw jack and re-apply a coating of MIL-PRF-23827 low temperature grease. The cam bushings that attach the jack screws must be properly adjusted so that both jack screw work as one unit. If the cam bushings are not adjusted correctly the jack screws can work against themselves causing a hard to turn situation. Please review the complete instructions.
The trim wheels on the Cessna 180, early 182 and 185 aircraft have a spring loaded trim wheel stop catch assembly that engages with a molded in ratchet on one side of the trim wheel. This system is designed to prevent unwanted trim wheel movement caused by air pressure on the horizontal stabilizer. If these stop catch assemblies are worn out, the trim wheel is free to rotate. McFarlane has replacement stop catch assemblies.
There are advantages to both, see our article on this topic: Stainless Steel or Galvanized Steel Cable?
No, the fuel indicating system on a Cessna 152 is unique and McFarlane has not designed a transmitter for them yet.
Yes. The fuel screen is removed by removing the standpipe. The rubber tipped plunger must be unseated before the standpipe is loosened. Failure to lift the plunger off of its standpipe seat can damage the plunger. Pull the strainer drain knob as if you were draining the fuel bowl. Block or clamp the knob in this position. Insert a smooth round tool such as a screw driver or punch in the standpipe cross-hole and un-screw the standpipe.
Yes, please review the Installation Tips for McFarlane Fuel Vent Lines.
The fuel selector valve works in unscreened fuel. Contaminated fuel can cause selector valve seal damage. When fueling from possibly contaminated fuel sources McFarlane recommends the use of a fuel filter, such as Mr. Funnel or another filtering device, to reduce trash in the fuel system.
The most common indication of external fuel valve leaks is the smell of avgas in the cabin. Most valves are located under the cabin floor. Fuel stain on the valve and drain plug or drain valve or on the belly of the aircraft can also indicate external leakage. External leaks are generally around the actuation valve stem. Internal leaks are detected when the fuel is turned off and fuel continues to drip during fuel system maintenance. Inner port leakage will allow fuel from one tank to leak into another fuel tank. This type leak is difficult to detect. Fuel transfer from one tank to another with the fuel valve selected to one tank only will indicate inner-port leakage. An extended period of time is needed to detect fuel transfer from one tank to another. Generally if internal leakage is detected when servicing the fuel system, it is likely there is also inner-port leakage.
Curtis Superior and SAF-AIR valves are designed for installation in a standard NPT port for NPT threaded valves or an AND-10050 style port for UNF threaded valves. Use a thread sealant or Teflon tape on pipe threaded valves. Never allow any thread sealant on the first thread . This will prevent contamination of the fuel system. Refer to aircraft manufacturer's torque specifications for the aircraft in which it is being used.
Replace the rubber seals as per the aircraft manufacturer’s recommendations or every ten years when no guidance is given. McFarlane stocks replacement seals and seal kits for both Curtis Superior and SAF-AIR valves. The new Curtis valves use a O-ring type seal instead of the flat seal that was previously used.
SAF-AIR valves are designed to be disassembled and the O-rings replaced. Over time, if the valve should start to leak, check to make sure the drain valve is tight. If drain valve is found to be tight, then check the O-rings. All O-rings used are buna "n", MS29513 Style, MIL-P-5315. SAF-AIR O-ring seal kits are available for most of their valves. Add a "K" or "-K" suffix to the valve part number.
Never have a hose attached in flight to the oil drain valve. Engine vibration and the additional attached mass can cause premature seal and valve wear which could result in valve failure and a loss of engine oil.
The McFarlane primer is available as a complete fuel primer assembly and knob assembly only, and replacement seals for the knob assembly are available. In many cases, where the old primer bore is still good, the McFarlane knob assembly can be used for a FAA-PMA approved quick fix for your existing primer.
A common cause for this problem is fuel starvation due to improper installation of the fuel pump. Make sure that the fuel lines are not crossed; that is, the inlet line should be connected to the inlet side of the pump (marked “IN” on the top of the port) and the outlet line should be attached to the fuel pump outlet port. Fuel should be present at the inlet side of the fuel pump.
Improper installation of the fuel pump may result in a misalignment of the operating lever with the operating plunger in the accessory case. If so, there will be no movement of the lever and no pumping motion to provide fuel flow. If misalignment is found upon removal of the pump, the lever is probably damaged or broken. If misalignment of the operating lever has occurred, it will require inspection and repair by a qualified technician.
There are several other components in the fuel indicating system which could be the issue or are causing the indication problems:
Caution! Never short the battery power to the transmitter wire! It will take only seconds before the stainless steel resistance wire in the Cessna transmitter will glow red hot in the fuel tank. The hot wire could explode the tank! Never have power on when trouble shooting the fuel gauging system.
Electricity in the Fuel Tank. Is it Safe?
Always check the fuel gauge system for proper calibration per the Cessna maintenance instructions.
Do you have aftermarket Monarch fuel tanks installed? We have received customer feedback stating that when Monarch or other aftermarket fuel tanks are installed, McFarlane’s fuel vent line does not fit. There is nothing we can do to solve that issue. McFarlane’s fuel vent lines fit well when OEM fuel tanks are installed. Please review the Installation Tips for McFarlane Fuel Vent Lines.
Diaphragm fuel pumps should be replaced or overhauled:
The Viton gasket and screw seals do not require any sealer and must not have any lubricants. Do not over tighten the attachment screws as over tightening can extrude the gasket out from under the transmitter and tear the gasket in the screw holes. This will cause a leak. Tighten the screws evenly until you see the gasket just start to extrude a little. Any lubrication will aggravate the tearing of the gasket.
The most common reasons for low fuel flow/pressure are the following:
Fluctuating fuel pressure can be the result of the following:
Leaking fuel or oil through the fuel pump overboard drain line indicates the rotary seal is running dry or contamination happened in the field. Your fuel pump should be replaced before further flight.
Cessna SEB99-18R1 describes periodic checks of the fuel gauging system.
We pressure test our repaired valves to a minimum of 5 psi using precision controlled air pressure and a calibrated low pressure indicator. This pressure is above the normal fuel pressure on the valve and below the limits of the springs in the valve. Each valve is submerged in Stoddard solvent while the air pressure is applied to the valve. The valves are then tested in each position to assure that there are no inter-port or external leaks. Leaks are detected by looking for air bubbles escaping from the valve.
Over the years, there were some variations in the original vent lines from Cessna, and variations in the location of the exit hole in the wing. The vent line can be bent a little for proper fit. See the Installation Tips for McFarlane Fuel Vent Lines.
The technology does have awarded strong utility patents in the USA #10,000,065,777 and in many other countries with additional utility and design patents pending. If you desire to license the technology contact us directly.
No. And that's a good thing!
The 12" and 8" ties are 0.29" wide and are rated at 70 pounds, but our production quality control requires testing to >100% more than rated strength. This means they typically exceed 140 pounds.
Elastomer Rubber Liner:
Dimension and Strength Information:
UL94, UL 746A, IEC 60695-11-10
Water Absorption:
Immersion 24 Hour ISO 62 0.9%
The SunSpot 36LX landing and taxi lights and SunSpot 46LX can be installed with just a log book entry if you can install the light in an existing mount and use the existing wires, switches, and circuit breakers.
The SunSpot 36HX landing and taxi lights and SunSpot 46HX can be installed with the pulse function enabled in any model listed on the AML under STC, or in other aircraft models with a 337 that uses the AML STC as a basis for approval.
If the lights are mounted to an existing mounting location with no structural modifications and existing wiring can be re-used, the lights can be installed with a log book entry.
If there are modifications to the wiring, a 337 should be submitted for approval for the installation.
If there are structural modifications made to mount the lights, a more extensive approval may be required, ranging from a 337 to an STC.
The Pulsar NS has a forward red or green navigation light and a strobe that covers 180 degrees from each wing tip.
The Pulsar NSP has a forward red or green navigation light, a strobe that covers 180 degrees from each wing tip, and a rear white position light.
We recommend 3 conductor 20 gauge shielded single bundle wire.
Aircraft magneto installation is a straightforward but delicate process. Improper installation can lead to damage of the magneto. Installation should be handled according to the manufacturer’s specifications and procedures.
It is not required to service both aircraft magnetos at the same time but it is a good idea to keep the pair of magnetos on the same maintenance schedule to avoid additional down time in the future.
No, the aircraft magneto ignition system is self-contained and independent from the aircraft electrical system. In the event of an electrical failure, the mechanical aircraft magneto will continue to provide spark to the engine.
Pressurized aircraft magnetos are usually found in turbocharged engines. Air is diverted from the turbocharging system and sent through a line to a fitting installed in the aircraft magneto. The aircraft magneto is also fitted with an opening at the bottom of the housing to allow a small air leak. This opening insures a constant flow of air through the aircraft magneto to avoid the internal air from becoming ionized.
The aircraft magneto is a self-contained generator that consists of a magnet spinning in close proximity to a high-output coil. As the magnet spins, it creates a magnetic field. Fluctuations in that field create an electrical current. Eventually, the current generated by magnetic flux undergoes a voltage spike that is strong enough to fire a spark plug.
The dual arrangement of aircraft magnetos produces a smoother and more complete combustion of the fuel mixture. It also provides for ignition redundancy, so that the engine will continue to run in the event that one magneto malfunctions.
In aircraft engines, it is important to maintain an ignition system independent of the eletrical system, so that the engine will continue to run in the event of alternator or battery malfunction. Additionally, aircraft magnetos provide a compact and reliable means for igniting the spark plugs.
No, BMC kits do not caintain the piston. However, it comes with the hardware needed to complete the job and installaiton tooling.
Instead of Teflon, Marsh Brothers’ rollers employ an AeroTough® GF thrust washer between the roller flange and track sidewall. AeroTough® GF is tougher than Teflon and will not herniate, crack and dislodge under load.
Marsh Brothers’ roller is a flanged roller design, meaning that there is no separate phenolic and steel washer. Additionally, instead of a Teflon washer, Marsh Brothers’ design incorporates an AeroTough® GF washer that is an integral part of the roller. This results in a single roller bearing to be installed with the standard bolt, nut and washer hardware versus many parts included in the OEM roller.
It is critical the owner or maintenance shop obtain a PN off the brake master cylinder assembly, not from the IPC manual.
The kits fit exactly the same space that the OEM parts do. However, the most important difference is that the parts in the kits cannot corrode or seize together because of the self lubricating polymer bushings used to replace the steel bushings. If the steel OEM parts corrode and seize, the result is costly repairs to the supporting structure in the wing.
It's just a matter of removing the doors, pressing out the steel bushings and then pressing in the replacement parts. The kits include all necessary hardware including new bolts and spacers. Where the OEM sleeve part is flanged, the space is made up with a thin washer. Installation videos are available to demonstrate kit installation.
The rollers are highly resistant to incursion by debris, dust, and other particles. Should the ingestion of various particles become an issue, the aircraft operator can use the same cleaners, detergents, and solvents approved by the aircraft manufacturer. Marsh Brothers have performed compatibility tests with no detriment of the roller’s integrity.
Longer life-time, grease-free operation, does not support corrosion, decrease in weight, self lubricates.
You don't need to, but it's not a problem if someone doesn't know the bushings have been fitted and decides to put lubrication into the hinges. The bushings will function properly in oil or grease, but it is not necessary.
Typical spinner washers are made from thin nylon and require frequent replacement. Nylon washers fail under the pressure exerted by the screw's head. MBA spinner washer solves this problem by conforming the the curvature of the spinner, and its extra thickness has a vibration dampening effect.
It is a traditional sealed grease packed needle roller bearing that relies on supplemental lubrication. Over time the grease dries out resulting in a degradation in the rollers performance.
Marsh Brothers developed a new poylmer formula specifically for aerospace which they call AeroTough™ GF, for "grease free". Lubricant is bult into the polymer, completely eliminating any need for periodic lubrication.
Marsh Brothers’ self-lubricating roller has no metal rolling element. Instead, it utilizes a proprietary self-lubricating polymer called AeroTough® GF. Since AeroTough® GF does not rely on supplemental lubrication, it will never dry out and degrade.
We have three types of fuel cap washers. In order to know the correct washer, the fuel cap part number must be known. It can usually be found at the bottom of the fuel cap assembly.
There are two reasons. First, the OEM Teflon washers provide great low friction characteristics, however the material is not very robust and is prone to herniating and dislodging under load
The OEM design uses many elements including a needle roller, a separate thrust washer, and a separate Teflon washer. Furthermore, there are two separate thrust washers, a steel one and a phenolic one.
Yes, one kit will do both the left and right main landing gear doors.
If multi-word phrases do not produce results, then try searching for each word individually. The search feature is not case sensitive. All or part of the part number may be entered.
Here are some eligibility search tips:
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It is recommended that the backup rings are installed with the concave face against the quad ring.
Yes, with no modifications at all.
No. Your A&P can install the prop in less than an hour.
We have made the many contact methods available on our Contact page.
Flight-Resource stocks the most popular propellers and can ship to you within 24 hours. A custom built propeller will take 12 to 14 weeks, typical.
MT-Propeller began making natural composite propellers in 1980. Over 50,000 blades are in action with no in flight failures.
It varies based on your location and speed of delivery.
YES!! MT manufactures propeller systems for hundreds of applications and they even custom design and build props for experimental and aerobatic planes. Call for more information.
All Hydraulic blades have available Electric (hot prop) or Fluid de-ice option.
No. Preflight and annual inspections are no different than with a metal prop.
There is no U.S. import tax or duty at this time for props that we ship from our Warehouse. Customs fees and broker charges may apply to props that are shipped from Germany direct to the customer.
MT Natural Composite blades have a tough epoxy / carbon fiber coating AND a thick Nickel-Cobalt edge that provides a lifetime of protection from moisture and impact. Years of testing in rain, ice and snow have proven MT’s propeller is all-weather durable.
Standard colors:
Flat Black with white tips is the most popular because those colors do not clash with any other colors. They are also the most durable paint colors. Other custom colors may be ordered for an up-charge, but that could delay delivery for several weeks. MT prop blades and spinners may be painted with common materials by any prop shop.
The MT Spinner domes are Kevlar and will never crack. They are finished in white or flat black paint. An optional Chrome plating may be selected on limited types of models.
The Bonanza/C210/C206 props are Diamond Silver with B/WB tips.
You, the owner, are authorized to make permanent repairs using common 2-part epoxy to common minor damage. The MT-Propeller Service Center in DeLand Florida has the equipment to rebuild your blades and even the hub in the event of prop strike or more severe damage. We also carry sets of exchange blades in stock for quick return to service for our customers.
The buyer pays shipping from Germany to your door.
Physics – The lighter mass of the composite system absorbs less horsepower, therefore we can add another blade to use this power to create more thrust.
We are focused on only one thing… The sales and support of MT Propellers.
Refer to AC91-59A or Nicrocraft Exhaust system checklist. The American Bonanza society puts out a good video by Bob Ripley on Beechcraft exhaust inspection that is applicable to most types of aircraft.
Refer to STC Paperwork. Should specify if original muffler can fit, or a different style –possibly even for a different brand of Aircraft could be used.
12 month warranty, unlimited hours. Please contact our sales team for further instructions.
8130-3 and the warranty card.
Per the supplier, there is no known shelf life.
Yes, it is the same product.
Any solvent (expect water) will suffice. The vendor uses alcohol for clean up (Ethanol/Ispropyl). Acetone, toluene, mineral spirits, etc. will work as well.
The light weight is a flexible compound for use as a joint sealing compound, caulking compound, corrosive preventative, lubricant, threaded joint dressing, insulating material, or filler with packing.
The medium weight seals with a gasket or as a gasket. Seals pumps, tanks, pressed plates, covers, pans, etc. for pipe threads and imperfect or uneven surfaces.
The Cessna steering system is an engineering masterpiece that is simple in function while allowing good directional control throughout the transition from flight to ground or ground to flight, even in crosswind conditions. A key part of this system is the steering rods. The steering rods are a spring loaded device that applies spring pressure to pull on one side of the nose gear when it is activated and yet have a specified amount of free play in the opposite direction until a solid push is required for positive steering.
The following are some common symptoms of worn out or failed steering rods:
No. A little drag is expected and normal on a new McFarlane steering rod. The drag is caused by the thickness of the dry lubricant painted on the spring rubbing on the shaft. The drag is actually a good thing as it prevents vibration wear and will go away as the dry lubricant is worn in. The drag is acceptable when the weight of the spring and housing overcome the drag when the steering rod is held vertical by the threaded shaft.
We have seen torn brackets on the rudder bar torque tube cause lose of rudder motion and steering movement. The earlier Cessna airplanes had less reinforcing of the rudder bar torque tubes where the steering rod attachment brackets are welded on than the later model airplanes. An overload of rudder pedal pressure or prior nose gear damage can cause failure of the bracket attachment. Inspect all of the rudder and steering system when poor steering authority is detected.
Wheel pant mounting plates commonly crack around the axle. If any cracks are present, they should be replaced. The cracks are caused by wheel pant vibration. Assure that the wheel pant axle bolts are tight. Proper wheel balance will lessen wheel pant vibration. McFarlane's wheel balancers can help solve this problem.
Strut seal leaks and flat struts can be caused by roll or twist of the main O-ring seal. It is very frustrating to carefully check all the parts and surfaces and put a new seal kit in the strut only to find it flat again after a relatively short time. We have seen this happen when a film of MIL-5606 hydraulic fluid dries out on the exposed chrome strut shaft. MIL-5606 by nature has a tendency to get sticky as it is exposed to air and dirt and then dry.
Very slight dried oil films are sometimes hard to detect and they can get past the plastic wiper seal. When this happens the sticky strut has a tendency to grab the O-ring and roll or twist it when the strut slides in or out causing the seal to distort. A very small O-ring twist or distortion will cause a leak. This phenomena is aggravated by the low pressure that the Cessna strut is designed for. Wipe the chrome strut down with Stoddard solvent (mineral spirits) periodically to soften and remove any dried oil film, dirt, dust and bugs.
The short answer is no. While we recommend using our taller oil filters when you have the space inside your cowling, using our shorter filters will still provide more than enough filtration coverage when replacing them at the recommended intervals of 25 to 50 hours.
Yes, all Tempest aviation oil filters use a magnet. This give us an extra layer of defense to help filter out smaller micron particles that may get past the filtration media.
Always refer to the engine manufacturer’s recommendation. If no recommendation is made then we suggest you replace Tempest oil filters every 25 to 50 hours.
Both short and tall filters are approved for most engine applications. Determining which height filter to use all depends on the space you have inside the engine cowling. We suggest going with the taller of the approved oil filters if you have the space.
Note: Tempest’s replacement recommendation is the same for both short and tall filters.
Height. Over the years aviation oil filters have gotten shorter to help with installation in tight spaces. The dash two filter by Tempest is the shortest of the certified aviation oil filters on the market.
Tempest created the Spin EZ oil filter to make installation and removal easier and more efficient. A patented solid seal lubricant is applied to our oil filter gasket during manufacturing and requires no oil or DC4 compound prior to installation; making the removal process of a stuck filter a thing of the past.
We recommend 16-18 ft lbs. of torque or tighten by hand plus a quarter turn.
Tempest oil filters use media with a 40-micron rating.
We can only speak for Tempest overhauled pumps as we have no control over the quality of other overhaul shops. Before Tempest®/Aero Accessories, LLC offered an overhauled pump, they spent more than a year in research and testing to determine what was required to produce a quality overhauled pump that would last as long as a new pump producing the vacuum or pressure required for aircraft application. In 1984 Tempest®/Aero Accessories, LLC had its overhaul process specification approved by the FAA and began offering quality overhauled vacuum pumps to general aviation. Tempest takes great pride in their state of the art overhaul facility, and produce the best overhauled pump on the market today. Over the years they have acquired FAA-PMA’s for all component parts of the Dry Air Pumps, and have supplied replacement parts to all overhaulers worldwide.
Yes, using a cooling shroud whether on a 200 series or 400 series dry air pump can reduce pump temperatures by as much as 10%. For more information, go to Vacuum Pump Cooling Kit.
The carbon vanes inside the pump are sticking in rotor slots. Oil or solvent has entered the pump either from a bad oil seal in the engine case at the pump mounting area, or from pressure washing the engine with an oil-based solvent (spraying directly on the pump). The oil or solvent will work its way up into the pump through the drive end, mixing with graphite dust and turning into a paste like material.
A Dry Air Pump is just that: DRY. As the carbon rotor and vanes wear, they produce graphite dust which lubricates moving internal parts of the pump. When oil or solvent mixes with this graphite dust, it keeps vanes from moving freely in their slots and they stick. At low engine RPM, the vanes are recessed in their slots and create no vacuum, but as engine RPM increases, centrifugal force slings the vanes out, allowing them to grab air and create vacuum. Once a pump has become contaminated, its life expectancy is extremely short. The cause of pump contamination should be determined and corrected and the pump should be replaced as soon as possible.
Yes! All of the PowerUp Slick Aftermarket parts have been FAA-approved to be equivalent to or improved than Champion Slick parts. PowerUp’s Aftermarket Slick parts have been in production for 30 years and tens of thousands of our parts have been put into service.
Yes, Premier parts can be painted. They recommend using SEM Color Coat Aerosol Products.
However, any paint that is specifically designed for plastic should work on Premier parts, which are manufactured with a PVC-Acrylic material commonly referred to as KYDEX. Retail stores that sell automotive paint can be helpful with paint choices as most of automobile interiors are made from KYDEX also.
Rain will reduce the life of PROP GUARD as the constant impact of the water droplets will eventually fatigue the material, causing it to become more brittle with progressively less ability to absorb energy. This constant water hammering will eventually cause it to shred, starting at the prop tip area. This is a harmless situation that causes no concern in flight, but it will require repairing the PROP GUARD installation. PROP GUARD will tolerate a considerable amount of light rain, but fails fairly quickly in heavy rain. When PROP GUARD is failed by rain, it has already sacrificed itself to prevent considerable propeller erosion.
Although PROP GUARD has been successfully used by some customers on non-certified aircraft with composite propellers, it is not FAA approved yet for applications not listed on the FAA Approved Model List.
High quality spray can paint has worked well when the prop has been cleaned and the metal primed effectively.
PROP GUARD will stop water erosion of the propeller and has been used on seaplane applications. However, it has very limited life on high speed propellers that are subject to a lot of water spray. Water spray will reduce the life of PROP GUARD as the constant impact of the water droplets will eventually fatigue the material causing it to become more brittle with progressively less ability to absorb energy. This constant water hammering will eventually cause it to shred, starting at the prop tip area. This is a harmless situation that causes no concern in flight, but it will require repairing the PROP GUARD installation. Some seaplane operators use PROP GUARD knowing that they will have to frequently replace PROP GUARD at the prop tip area. By sacrificing itself, the PROP GUARD has stopped considerable prop erosion. PROP GUARD will hold up relatively well on lower horsepower applications where the propeller has good water clearance.
PROP GUARD is not certified for use on certificated wooden propellers. It can sometimes be used on non-certified aircraft applications. Some varnish used on wooden propellers is not compatible with the PROP GUARD adhesive and the bond will fail. PROP GUARD has been successfully used with many varnishes. We recommend testing by placing a small sample of PROP GUARD on a surface with the same varnish before installing on a propeller.
Yes, it will bond well if care is taken to remove all traces of wax or silicone with a commercial wax and silicone remover or Naphtha using several clean paper towels.
No, PROP GUARD is an FAA-PMA/STC product, but the STC specifically states that a form 337 is not required. It does require an A&P mechanic endorsement for return to service.
The special heat treated elastomer in PROP GUARD absorbs the impact energy from the particle strike. In other words, PROP GUARD gives a little and spreads the energy when something hits it.
Follow the guidance of the aircraft or propeller manufacture. When no guidance is available, conversion coating such as Alodine followed by a light coat of corrosion preventing primer followed by the finish coat has proven effective. Before you start, be sure the metal is clean and use a silicone removing compound such as Naphtha or a commercial wax and silicone remover with multiple clean paper towels to assure all traces of silicones have been removed. Most solvents will not remove silicone compounds.
Use heat gun or hair dryer and peel it off. Use isopropyl alcohol to clean excess glue off the blade.
The first installation takes longer, with reading the instructions and carefully going through each step. You always want to properly dress the propeller before you install PROP GUARD as this is the last time you will need to dress or paint the prop until PROP GUARD is replaced. First time installation on a properly dressed and painted prop takes close to an hour, and about fifteen minutes once you have done several.
Both the adhesive on the boot and adhesion accelerator expire.
PROP GUARD is a very special high strength product manufactured to take the high centrifugal forces of the rotating propeller while being able to absorb impact energy. It goes through special heat treatments and careful quality controls. Only some of the material manufactured will pass our rigid quality standards. PROP GUARD is different.
The problem is most likely caused by silicone contamination. Any trace of silicone compounds will act as a release agent and destroy the bond of the underlying paint or PROP GUARD adhesive. Silicone cannot be removed with lacquer thinner, MEK or other standard solvents. Naphtha or a silicone remover found at local auto parts or paint stores is required to remove it. Just repainting and reinstalling will probably not solve the problem. The silicone contamination can come from something as simple as touching the prop with your hands that have touched RTV or a waxed surface.
Being clear allows you to see through PROP GUARD to inspect the propeller.
A flat finish material was tried but the manufacturing process to get a flat finish reduced the strength of the product. The glossy finish has little effect on light reflection in flight.
There is no loss of performance for the listed applicable model propellers. We have seen some performance degradation on exotic high performance experimental applications where extreme prop speeds or extra wide propeller blades were involved. We have also seen some experimental use of PROP GUARD where there were performance increases when the PROP GUARD edge was pinked on the face (forward side) of the propeller. The zig-zag pattern of the pinked edge produces a vortices generation that helps hold the moving air to the propeller surface longer.
There is a certain size rock that will break through the PROP GUARD and damage the propeller. When this happens, the damage to the propeller will be much less than if PROP GUARD had not been there, as much of the rock’s energy is absorbed by failing the PROP GUARD.
We make the following cleaning and sanitizing recommendations to be completed between flights:
Recommended Cleaning Process
1. Put on clean disposable gloves prior to cleaning and disinfection.
2. Pull controls back to the fully retracted position to expose the full length of the control shafts.
3. Apply isopropyl alcohol to a clean microfiber towel. Do not spray any solution directly on the controls or any other surfaces or components in the aircraft.
4. Gently and thoroughly wipe down every control knob surface and control shaft.
5. Let cleaning solution dry on these surfaces (contact time).
6. Use a clean and dry microfiber cloth to wipe away any solution residue left on knob and control shaft surface.
7. Remove all gloves, towels, and cleaning supplies from the work area in the aircraft.
Please contact McFarlane Sales directly at 866-920-2741 or 785-594-2741 or if you have any additional questions regarding the disinfection of our controls.
Please reference the Installation Instructions included with your new control.
The laser marking does not harm the hard durable anodize coating on the aluminum knob. The CO2 laser process only bleaches the color from the anodizing leaving a silver white color that contrasts with the surrounding dyed anodize. The durability of the laser marked area is not affected by the laser. Our tests have shown that the laser process actually improves the corrosion resistance of the anodize layer. The CO2 laser engraves aluminum knobs by vaporizing the surface leaving a deep durable groove. This groove is then filled with a special paint for contrast. The result is a durable long lasting mark.
Yes, please return the control to McFarlane for repair.
Yes, this is common and can put back together, provided no components are missing. Please watch the Vernier-Assist Assembly Video for details.
McFarlane's Storage and Packaging Specification requires a specific packaging minimum radius based on the length of the control, type of wire used, and the configuration of the control end(s). Please contact us to determine the exact requirements for your specific control.
There are several things that could be different such as engine/aircraft modifications, rigging/clocking of control arm or adjustment of rod end will be needed, placement of clamps or brackets may be different, or a previous installation change such as routing from original.
On some aircraft (like the Lycoming IO-540 engines) the induction box covers up the oil pan where the SAFE-HEET would normally be installed. It is permissible for the SAFE-HEET to be installed on the induction box, because the box/plenum is a thick casting that can transfer heat effectively.
No, you will need to use a converter that can supply 3 amps at 120 volts to operate both a SAFE-HEET and 707.
Yes, the 707 is rated at 600 watts. This is enough power to run two units by using a splitter.
SAFE-HEET engine heaters are installed with a two-part adhesive. The engine heater can be installed quickly and easily by using the 707 temperature controller at half power. At temperatures below 70°F the temperature controller must be used to ensure proper adhesive cure. Proper adhesive cure is essential to full service life of the heater.
Twenty hours at a temperature of 70 degrees. If using a temperature controller you can turn the thermostat to about 110 degrees and it will take about seven hours to cure
The amount of adhesive contained in each kit is enough to do one installation and offers better thermal heat transfer than using a larger quantity. The adhesive should be thin, if there is no adhesive 1/8” from the edge of the pad it will not be a problem because our adhesive is totally resistant to solvents or oils. Sealing the edges is not necessary. Using silicone adhesives will allow the heat pad to come loose because silicone is not resistant to solvents or oils. If you feel you need more adhesive, we will send you more at no charge upon request.
No, neither a SAFE-HEET nor Temperature Controller should be plugged into 240 volts. You can use a system with an adapter that reduces the voltage to 110 and can supply at least 3 amps.
Reference the troubleshooting instructions provided with the purchase of a SAFE-HEET. The GFCI will not work unless plugged directly into an outlet. Plug in the GFCI then the temperature controller. The GFCI needs to be the first thing plugged into the circuit. The GFCI needs full voltage to engage. It cannot have an extension cord plugged in the outlet, then the GFCI to the SAFE-HEET. The GFCI does reset itself every time it is unplugged.
Yes, if the temperature is controlled to prevent condensation which can lead to corrosion.
It costs about 3 cents per hour to operate.
The GFCI protects the SAFE-HEET and engine from any electrical fault situations by shutting off power to protect people and the engine. Abuse of the power cord can cause dangerous electrical failures.
This is determined by experimentation on knob settings and several variables such as ambient temperature, wind, size of engine/propeller combination and insulation of engine cowling.
McFarlane’s adhesive is thermally conductive, so it transfers heat effectively while the other brands use a peel and stick tape that tends to fall off. As a result, McFarlane’s has a longer life over the other brands. McFarlane’s adhesive is resistant to solvents/oils but if it ever does fail, the heat pad is not going to jam up anything in the engine compartment, because it is not a solid metal like other brands out there. SAFE-HEET heats the engine oil while other brands heat the cylinder, not the oil. SAFE-HEET is safe and is electrically grounded with a ground wire. The SAFE-HEET pad covers a large surface. McFarlane’s GFCI can be used with any heater, not just SAFE-HEET.
The kit includes the SAFE-HEET and temperature controller. The temperature controller makes installation easier and helps control condensation which leads to corrosion. It is like a dimmer switch that puts you in control of how much power is going to the unit.
No, McFarlane does not provide templates for installing seat rails on Piper aircraft because the rail is riveted to the floor of the airplane, making installation easy by riveting directly from under the airplane.
Yes, but there are some restrictions. The screws must be structural screw with a minimum tensile strength of 50ksi. See SAIB CE-90-03R2 for more details.
We do not recommend using blind rivets for seat rail installation.
Aircraft make, model and serial number are not sufficient to ensure the correct replacement spring as many aircraft may have been originally equipped with either one or retrofitted with a conversion kit. If the spring you are replacing is marked with a brand name (e.g. P.L. Porter or Stabilus) the correct replacement is readily identified. The coil spring/hydraulic style are also identifiable by a 1¼" diameter visible coil spring. The thread may also be measured to verify the correct identification.
The screw kit depends on if the holes in the floor of your airplane have been carefully removed and are close to new size or if they have been enlarged by unskilled rivet removal or the rails have been changed before. It will make a difference if the previous rails installed were Cessna rails with predrilled holes in the rail. (They do not normally line up well and the floor has been mis-drilled some to force them to align). If the holes are good, use the SR6-SCREW-KT kit. If the holes are enlarged some, use the SR8-SCREW-KT kit.
Installation of the McFarlane Seat Stop P/N MC0511242-1 may require the removal of extra material from the seat rail where the seat rail hole breaks through the vertical web. Material removal may be accomplished with a small file or other deburring tool. Do not remove material from the seat stop when attempting to install. Refer to Cessna/Textron service information for correct seat stop location.
When hydraulic oil changes temperature, the volume of the oil also changes. This volume change from a temperature reduction will create a vacuum in the oil chamber of the original Cessna uncompensated shimmy dampener. This vacuum will cause the oil to vaporize giving the oil a foamy expanded mixture that is compressible. The shimmy dampener action is then drastically degraded. An increase in temperature will increase the oil volume causing a drastic pressurization of the dampener oil chamber. This pressure will force small quantities of oil past the dampener shaft seals. The decrease in oil will then aggravate any temperature reduction with increased chamber vacuum and related oil vaporization. This process explains why continuous servicing of the original shimmy dampener is required.
The temperature compensation system works by having a small chamber of oil that is spring pressurized through a very small passage into the main dampening restrictive orifice of the shimmy dampener. The spring loaded oil chamber can adjust for oil volume changes as temperature changes. A similar system is built into your car shock absorbers. The temperature compensated hydraulic system requires very little service over extended periods of time and assures stable shimmy dampening action.
A rubber based dampener is continuously fatiguing the rubber components as it changes direction of motion. The rubber system depends on stable friction of the rubber riding in a metal tube. This is very difficult to achieve over extended usage. There are inherent differences in static friction of rubber and dynamic friction of rubber that affect dampening performance. Long term use changes the performance of the dampener caused by all of these un-repairable factors. The hydraulic system works in a film oil with stable performance for long periods of time and it is totally repairable.
This is normal for a permanent-magnet starter. Although power is removed by releasing the key/start button, a permanent-magnet motor will actually provide power to itself as it winds down and will keep the starter drive engaged for about a half-second until it loses sufficient RPM to fully disengage.
Sticking mechanical starter drives, e.g., Bendix drives, should be cleaned with mineral spirits and only lubricated with silicone spray. Oil or common greases should not be used as they will attract and retain dust and grit causing the starter drive to stick or wear rapidly.
Solenoid-actuated starters do not require any type of cleaning or lubrication. If the starter is not going to be used for some period of time the shaft can be oiled to prevent corrosion.
122 tooth gear rings have a "v" shape, whereas 149 tooth gear rings have a "u" shape. Be aware that just because your aircraft (or engine) is supposed to have a certain ring gear doesn't necessarily mean that it does. You should always confirm and order the correct starter to match.
The Kickback Protection System or KPS® for the NL and NL/EC family of starters is through a field-replaceable shear pin. When energizing the starter, if the pinion engages the flywheel and the starter motor spins (or at least sounds like it is spinning), but the starter’s pinion gear does not rotate you should replace the shear pin.
This condition is related to the starter drive extension and retraction and affects all styles of starters. If, during normal extension, the gear does not extend completely, stress will be placed on the drive gear. If the starter drive does not disengage after start, the engine will tend to drive the gear placing stress on the gear and destroying the motor. In either case, the gear will rapidly wear or fracture.
In some cases, engine kickback will fracture starter drive gears. Kickback is related to engine set up and can be anything from incorrect timing to problems with the fuel system. If kickback is noticed as a common occurrence on the airplane, diagnose and repair the problem or the replaced starter drive may fracture again. Many of Sky-tec's current starters offer kickback protection.
Use a Lycoming alternator strap and MS20074-05-06 (5/16-18 thread) bolts.
For Continental engines, the most likely cause is a slipping starter adapter. This requires replacement or overhaul of the starter adapter.
There are two potential causes of this condition. If it is a mechanical starter drive (Bendix) and sticks intermittently, it most likely needs to be lubricated. This type of starter drive is initially lubricated to allow smooth operation. The drive gear must move in and out and also rotate. In use it can become dry and may begin to stick and fail to engage or disengage. We recommend lubricating this type of starter drive every fifty (50) hours of operation.
The other likely factor for intermittent engagement would be a faulty starter contactor. If you want to check a contactor, it is best to do so with a load applied. Resistance in the contactor, even a fraction of an ohm, is enough to produce poor or no operation due to the high current field. In a 12-volt starting circuit drawing 60 amps, for example, the addition of 0.2 ohms of resistance due to an oxidized connector or carbonized contact may drop the current to the load to 36 amps. This is a 40-percent loss in starter operating power caused only by a 0.2-ohm resistance.
Checking the circuit without a load would require that a lot of resistance be placed in line. The best method of checking the contactor is to disconnect the lead from the starter and connect it to a battery load-meter tester. Activate the contactor and check the voltage on each side of the contactor. A 0.1-volt drop is normal for a new or nearly new contactor. If you find any more than 0.3-volt drop, replace it.
It appears that Superior reverse engineered the 60882-type ring gear support assembly (for 122-tooth ring gears) when they manufactured and PMA certified Superior Ring Gear Support Assembly PN SL77579-1 Rev.11 (for 149-tooth ring gears). Unfortunately, when pairing those ring gear support assemblies with 149-tooth ring gears, the ring gear rests further aft than Lycoming specification and therefore tends to crash the front face of NL-type starters by a mere couple thousandths of an inch. Other starter models tend to stand back sufficiently from the ring gear, so the mismatch is not as problematic. Since the NL “hugs the line” defined by Lycoming, the mismatched ring gear and support assembly causes an interference condition.
THIS CAN BE A DANGEROUS SITUATION. The starter contactors in many older aircraft may become welded shut after years of use. BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL. A starter contactor that is welded shut could cause the propeller to rotate when the master switch is energized, regardless of the position of the start button or switch. Replace the starter contactor. Your starter may have been damaged by this as well and may also need to be overhauled or replaced.
Lightweight starters do not have as much housing bulk surrounding them, so they aren’t as effective at insulating the gear train noise from the operator. To compound the issue, switching from a legacy heavyweight starter to a lightweight starter may also change the design style from a direct drive to a gear reduction drive in order to obtain the same drive torque. Gear-reduced starters have a much different noise signature than direct drive starters.
No, this prodcut does not have a known shelf life.
No, this does not contain copper.
First, the firing end of the plug must be cleaned of lead, carbon and oil. Once cleaned you can use the Tempest AT5K® or a multi-meter. If using an AT5K please see the tool section of our website. If using a multi-meter place one lead on the center electrode and the second lead on the contact point inside the spark plug terminal well. Be sure that your multi-meter is set to the correct setting.
We have added the MSDS sheet to the Documents section of this web page for viewing and download.
No, this is not considered hazardous goods.
Yes, you should rotate your spark plugs every 100 hours. This will help even out electrode wear caused by constant polarity and capacitance after-fire. Place them in a Tempest spark plug tray (P/N T240) and follow the rotation guide supplied on every Tempest spark plug box.
Carbon fouling is indicated by dry, fluffy, sooty deposits. The plug is operating too cold to burn off combustion deposits. This may be fuel related or ignition related. Fuel related causes include rich fuel mixture, faulty carburetor adjustment, excessive idling or improper idle mixture. Ignition causes could be related to a worn spark plug ignition lead, improper magneto timing or running too cold of a spark plug.
Indicated by hard ash-type deposits, lead fouling can be caused by poor fuel vaporization due to cold operating temperatures or high-lead content in the fuel (misdistribution of tetraethyl lead). Lightly fouled plugs can be cleaned, re-gapped, tested and reinstalled using a new copper mounting gasket. Severely fouled plugs should be replaced with new Tempest® spark plugs.
Oil fouling is indicated by oily, wet deposits and frequent misfires. Causes can include damaged pistons, worn or broken piston rings, worn valve guides, sticking valves, faulty ignition supply or an engine during break-in period.
Please visit the Technical Data portion of our website to find our articles on best cleaning practices.
Typically Tempest spark plug resistors will stay between 1000 and 1500 Ohms throughout their life. Tempest specifies that the plug resistor should never be below 500 Ohms or above 5000 Ohms. We offer a lifetime guarantee on our fired-in resistor.
Tempest currently manufactures only 18mm spark plugs.
Please refer to the Tempest application chart. There are several things you will need to know as most engines have several different spark plugs approved.
Yes! FAA STC was issued in July, 2023.
The SIM is compatible with all automotive and aviation spark plugs. SureFly’s FAA STC’s do not grant permission to use automotive spark plugs in FAA certified engines. You may only use spark plugs FAA-approved for your application.
The SIM outputs a 60Vdc spike with a 10Vdc offset on the p-lead (2 pulses per rev for 4 cylinder models & 3 pulses per rev for 6 cylinder models).
The SIM is turned on and off with the existing ignition switch through the p-lead wire connected to the p-lead terminal of the SIM.
SureFly recommends replacing the impulse coupled magneto. This is to reduce the possibility of impulse coupler mechanical failure and also to help the engine start better.
The SIM is a solid-state ignition module with the benefit of improved reliability and zero maintenance (no rebuilds & no overhauls) over the lifetime of the SIM. Another benefit is improved starting.
SIM4P - 4.4 lbs.
SIM4N - 4.0 lbs.
SIM6C - 5.0 lbs.
SIM6L - 5.2 lbs.
Return the SIM to SureFly for evaluation after 2400 hors of SIM operation.
Absolutely! Compared to a magneto, the SIM provides a more accurately retarded spark and a more consistent, higher energy spark at low engine RPM. Hot-starts are greatly aided by the installation of a SIM, but keep in mind SureFly can’t remedy fuel system shortcomings!
State regulations require sales tax to be collected unless certain exemption forms or information is received. Sales tax is calculated based on the state and jurisdiction shipped to. Some states have specific general aviation tax exemptions and require shipping charges to be included in sales tax calculation. Sales Tax Exemption Wizard
Use a straight edge as seen in Figure 1-3 to see if it's bent.
You might need a few of the NAS1149F0316P ultra-thin washers to fine tune the center “knee” joint fit on most of the Cessna airplanes. They are not included in the kit.
Removing the flanged bushings from the torque link forging can be difficult as there is not a good surface to press against or grab onto. An easy way to remove them is to thread them with a tap, screw a bolt in the thread you made, and then drive or press against the bolt. The thread does not have to be a full depth thread for the bolt to hold securely in the bushing. The bushing material is somewhat hard, but not so hard that a standard hardware store tap will not do the job. Use cutting oil on the tap to prevent tap damage. Normally the bushing will then come out easily.
For stubborn bushings, soak the link assembly in boiling water before pressing the bushing. The heat will expand the aluminum forging more than the steel bushing. This helps loosen the press fit while limiting the temperature to prevent from overheating and harming the heat treat of the aluminum forging. A controlled oven can be substituted for boiling water as a heat source, but do not exceed 350° F. Do not use flame or other non-controlled heat sources.
An alternate method is to put dry ice in the bushing before driving or pressing on the bolt you threaded into the bushing. Do not over-press or hammer as the aluminum can gall to the bushing and leave a damaged bushing bore. If the bushing does not come out with light to moderate force take the time to use some heat or cold to help.
There are many components all connected to keep the nose gear in line. If one component is worn or out of tolerance it can cause shimmy problem. Reference Dave McFarlane’s article: Can You Stop Nose Gear Shimmy instructions and suggestions.
Overlooked items also include the rod ends, shimmy dampener mounting and attachment, shimmy dampener, and steering collar. The steering collar is where the steering rod tubes connect and the upper torque link is attached to, along with the shimmy dampener on most aircraft. If the steering collar has play vertically and laterally and is allowed to tilt; that will cause excessive wear and force on the torque links, steering, and strut components. There are three different thicknesses of shims to help get the collar in place.
Ensure that the shimmy dampener is working properly with no dead spots in dampening action. The cylinder could be worn on the inside or on a piston that warrants replacement of components. All of the nose strut components are tied to each other and any movement is transmitted through to the tire and back through the dampening system, which if remedied will continue to be more pronounced.
It is very important to maintain proper torque for the bolts that clamp the chrome bushing/spacer at the upper attachments to the steering collar and the lower attachment to the nose gear strut. It is commonly thought that the chrome bushing/spacer is kept in position by the bolt filling the center bore of the bushing/spacer. This is not correct as the inner bore of the chrome bushing/spacer and the bolt are a loose non-precision fit. The bushing/spacer is secured by the bolt end, clamping the spacer so that it is tight between the arms of the aluminum forgings. Any looseness of this end clamp will allow movement of the chrome bushing/spacer. This movement will erode the aluminum forgings and create more free motion of the torque link.
All shimming of the torque links must be done with proper torque on the bolts. Periodically and during nose gear inspections, check the torque on the upper and lower torque link bolts. If the chrome bushing/spacer is allowed to move, the resultant wear can require replacement of the expensive aluminum forgings. McFarlane is working on a repair for the worn aluminum forgings. Unlike our competitors, extra care is given to the machining of the McFarlane chrome bushing/spacers to give the largest possible bearing surface to the ends that bear against the aluminum forgings. Chamfers or bevels are kept very small.
The torque link stop lugs are more important than you would think. Overextension of the nose strut due to a worn out stop lug can lead to a cascade of problems. McFarlane A&P mechanics have seen struts over extend to the point where the metering pin comes out of the orifice. This results in loss of damping action and the pin hammering the orifice every landing and distorting and enlarging it. Over time, the excess nose strut travel and lack of damping can result in fatigue cracks in the torque link arms. McFarlane recommends thoroughly inspecting all nose strut components when replacing a severely worn stop lug.
The stop lug also acts as a centering device aligning the nose wheel and wheel pant straight with the airplane and slip stream after it has left the runway. Worn stop lugs can allow the nose wheel to lock in a turned position in flight that will require holding rudder for coordinated flight. Retractable gear aircraft depend on the stop lug to properly center the nose gear steering before it retracts into the wheel well.
Yes, in most cases controllers will have a small amount of adjustment Available to “fine tune” the turbocharger system. Adjustment should be accomplished IAW the engine and/or aircraft maintenance manual. Be aware that over adjusting may render the component beyond field recovery which may require the unit be returned to a certified component shop for re-certification.
Yes, the compressor and exhaust housings are factory set at a pre-determined position, many times for shipping purposes. The housings can be re-aligned at installation to fit the engine installation. The alignment procedure can be found under the turbocharger Installation Instructions on the website.
Disconnect and cap the oil lines to and from the wastegate assembly. With slow, steady air pressure applied, the butterfly valve should move smoothly from its full open to full closed position. When the airflow is released the butterfly valve should return to the full open position smoothly. Look for sticking or jumpy movement of the butterfly valve.
First, all work should be accomplished IAW the applicable engine and/or aircraft maintenance manual.
The age-old lubricant is a product called Mouse Milk which can be purchased through most aviation product distributors.
400 series turbochargers do not incorporate seals in the center housing where the oil is located. They do incorporate small piston rings on the shaft that, along with the gas pressures pushing in, help prevent the oil from coming out. Until there is a varnish built up on the shaft and housing, a new turbocharger will leak oil. This oil seepage may last up to 10 hours but typically is gone within a couple hours of run time. Once the turbo is installed and pre-lubed, run the engine at normal operation to help “seat” the piston rings and build up the protective coat of varnish.
Pre-oiling should be accomplished at installation or any time the turbocharger oil system is disassembled for any reason. Pre-oiling insures there will be adequate oil flow at the turbocharger bearings to support the shaft load at initial start-up. Just like a crank or camshaft bearing, we do not want to “start” the turbocharger with dry bearings. Once a turbocharger bearing is compromised due to lack of lubrication, turbocharger life will be diminished. Pre-oiling instructions can be found under the turbocharger Installation Instructions on the website.
Our Vertical Fin Fitting kits include all the hardware needed for installation. You may receive NAS1149 hardware with the kit, which supersedes AN960 hardware (referenced in our ICA).