McFarlane Aviation Products FAA-PMA Replacement Aircraft Parts

Cowl Saver Scoring Tool

Customize your baffle seal flexibility for optimal cooling!

Part Number TOOL120 


Customize Cowl Saver engine baffle seal material to be extremely flexible for a perfect seal where it contacts the cowl and rigid elsewhere to prevent the seal from blowing past the cowl contact line.


This unique tool has three razor blades spaced 0.16" apart and makes it fast and easy to score the stiffer outer layer of the Cowl Saver material where more flexibility is required. The spacers also precisely control the depth of the cuts to help prevent damage to the material.  


  • You control the amount of flexibility
  • Use on a new baffle seal installation or to perfect the fit and seal of an existing installation.
  • Material still meets the original AMS3306 specification to which it was certified as long as the fiberglass reinforcing layer has not been cut.
  • Replaceable blade kit also available - Part Number TOOL120-BKT


To learn more, please read Cowl Saver Engine Baffle Seal Allows Customized Flexibility for Optimal Cooling.


Installation Instructions 


Only for use on the Teflon side of Cowl Saver baffle seal material.

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